Tactical fixed.

Kalasnikov bayonet and tactical knife.

The knife on the top row all the way on the right end, could you give us more pictures or information about it, like who made it? Your collection is amazing, thank you so much for sharing it with us all!

Some knives of Russian Speznaz. There are very rare instances you can only see in my collection. Unless you are serving in the Russian Speznaz ...
That is the single most mighty collection i have ever seen.. Wow!

Is it fair to assume you have a large wallet? Lol
My collection fits into a ruck sack .........a small ruck sack :-/ . All I can say is your ready :) .
Holy and sh-- !
Your collection is truly STUNNING.
I've been to several knife shows that didn't have as many knives as your personnel collection, you could outfit a brigade with the amount of steel you have :)

Great collection, thank you so much for sharing.