The "Whatever" Thread

Schools are shutting down in the Denver area. They say it’s to prevent spread of CV-19. More likely they’ve run out of Toilet Paper and can’t resupply due to the frenzied buying.
Schools are shutting down in the Denver area. They say it’s to prevent spread of CV-19. More likely they’ve run out of Toilet Paper and can’t resupply due to the frenzied buying.

It's happening all across the country, common sense is okay and necessary in some cases, everyone still needs a to be cautious but the anxiety and hysteria are getting out of hand. A doctor on tv says that we need to be active in preventing the spread, but use common sense in washing your hands, etc.....that is the best defense.
When I see call come up on my phone that is a possible scam, I answer it as I like to really mess with the caller. I like to see how mad I can get them. I usually end up getting cussed out and once in a blue moon even a death threat. When I have nothing better to do I will call the number back to see if I can reach them. If I can it's game on and I will keep calling them back until they block me.
When one happens to call at just the right time(or wrong time depending on perception) I'll do the same thing. My record is 38 minutes. I had him so mad he started talking about "having sex" with my mother and sister. When I told him that was a good idea because I knew firsthand how good both were he finally hung up. I had one call while my wife and I were in the car. By the time he was mad enough to hang up the last thing he called me was a "homosexual African American" but he used more colorful language. Another great way to get the conversation going is by sharing truly tasteless muslim jokes with them.
My wife works at Target, she said people are buying like crazy! Our neighbor works at Meijer, she checked out one person yesterday with over $1600 in her carts (yes, carts plural)
My wife works at Target, she said people are buying like crazy! Our neighbor works at Meijer, she checked out one person yesterday with over $1600 in her carts (yes, carts plural)

Another doctor said also drink plenty of water, to keep the mucus membranes in our noses moist
(the hairs in there too, sorry don't mean to be gross) to help stop the inhalation of the germs.
There is a good report out on Fox today with a female from Seattle that contracted the woohoo virus. She said she just took over the counter remedies, stayed home, drank lots of water and watched movies. No big deal. She is 37 and a PHD in some sort of medical science.

I see the new king of Illinois is having daily press briefings. Surely that helps.


snip... sharing truly tasteless muslim jokes with them.

I don't know any of those. Naa-aa-aa-ah.



My wife is now off work for four weeks due to her existing health issues. Target is paying her for the average hours of work she normally works. That’s good news, and one less thing for me to stress about.
Now the bad part, she decided with the time off it’s time to do spring cleaning, so I’ve been busy!
No snow here just a very steady rain. The kind of rain that makes it hard for me to focus on work because my thoughts are off hunting morels.
Michigan got the Ol' "stay at home for anything non-essential" today. Luckily, the wife and I get to stay working for the foreseeable future. For me, our sketchy employees (old news) decided to stop coming to work because of that fat government check they think will solve all of their problems. I really don't understand why you would not work while you can because there's a real possibility we may not be around in a year if stuff keeps going badly. We've really struggled to get good, reliable workers so I'm trying to encourage some people that we should start recruiting from the businesses that won't likely be back online for several months. We've been over 30 people short for nearly a year, time to start looking a little harder.

I will say, I have the best group in the company, so that's been a blessing. I've had to do some damage control with anxiety and such but otherwise, they are as reliable and trustworthy as they come.

Oh well, that's my vent for the day. At least the paychecks are still coming in and I can keep buying knives from John. That will probably be the highlight of my week the way it's started so far.

Not gonna lie, I enjoyed the snowy welcome this morning when taking the dog out. It was pretty. Cold and damp, but pretty.
Target employees have a few choices. An extra $2 per hour for the next 6 weeks, or paid leave for 4 weeks if you are over 65 or have a health issue that puts you at higher risk to get the virus. The extra $2 per hour would have been nice, but I would rather my wife not get sick, or worse.
Target employees have a few choices. An extra $2 per hour for the next 6 weeks, or paid leave for 4 weeks if you are over 65 or have a health issue that puts you at higher risk to get the virus. The extra $2 per hour would have been nice, but I would rather my wife not get sick, or worse.

Target seems like they do a pretty decent job taking care of employees, which is cool to see when there are plenty that are not doing much, or some that simply cannot do much because they don't have the resources to do so.