The "Whatever" Thread

I understand, F fishiker - it is not a good feeling!

I overslept the very first day I moved to management at the job I retired from. I was working an hourly position on 3rd and the first day I was on my salaried position I blew it.
I never did that again in 32 years. I did feel terrible, but my boss was a great fellow and still a friend. He laughed it off but I still remember that burning feeling when I answered that phone call that morning.....

Here's to a long time before it happens to you again!


Setting myself up for public shaming in this crowd, I have to admit to sleeping in more than a few of the worst was in college while cramming all the info in before final exams. The ringing of my phone woke me mid morning. This was in the days of land lines and real ringers, so it shows I have an uncanny ability to sleep through some things and not others since my alarm was buzzing away in the background. It was kind of like the soothing sound of a babbling brook while sleeping, but holy crap was it an annoyingly awful sound when awakened by the phone. When I answered, my professor let me know he had a final exam sitting at a desk for me and let me know I had about an hour to wrap it up (2 hrs into the test). Fortunately I managed to pass, and thanked him profusely for calling. He was remarkably sympathetic, and definitely saved my bacon that day.

Mornings are not my favorite, and I have worked a lot of long days over the years to make up for hitting that dreaded snooze...I have tremendous respect for all of you chronically punctual folks!
I can admit to not getting to work on time, like Sturubu Sturubu . Depends on the position how much it bothers me as one position I had, had rotating start times and it ended up killing me with the kids. Start time varied from 4 AM to 8AM depending on meetings I needed to be at to catch the end of 3rd shift or start of 2nd shift. My "big deal" is being on time to meetings. Drives me absolutely mad when the standard at a corporation I was at was 5 minutes late as a company standard because no one could get there on time... partly because they were likely just leaving another meeting.

I think it has to do with people counting on me to be somewhere at a certain time. The jobs where I didn't care if I was late (still rare) I was basically tied to a cell phone, or they thought I should be, so they had access to me whether I was at home or work anyway. It certainly blurred the lines of the workday a lot.
Totally random but Micheael Lee Aday aka Meat Loaf died early this morning.😥 He was a huge part of the soundtrack of my youth! I've been cranking up his music all day just feeling kinda melancholy. It makes me feel old to see so many of the heroes of my youth leaving us!😭
bikerector bikerector
"they had access to me whether I was at home or work anyway. It certainly blurred the lines of the workday a lot." - This statement bears a lot of reflection. I have a basic public high school education. Have been employed every day of my life since Feb 14, 1985. I have always contributed that fact to being willing to take on any job and being 100% dependable. The last few years, I absolutely HATE everything about my job now. I always felt very good about being reliable but now I, and plenty of people I know, have become self indentured servants to companies that EXPECT us to devote every part of our lives to the needs of the company.

How do you boil a frog alive without it jumping out of the pot? You put it is nice cool water and raise the temperature slowly.

I know what you mean, the last few years of my employment (after we were bought by a big corporation) I was working 66 hours a week, getting paid for 40, and they also expected me to go back in (20 miles each way) if there was a problem on 2nd shift, which ended at midnight.
And the talking heads wonder why nO onE WaNTs tO wORk aNymOre! The workers have been getting hosed for the last fifty years, watching stockholders get rich as our share of the pie dwindles. I've busted my butt for every employer I've ever worked for; some of 'em were standup folks and some were creeps. At the end of the day workers have given a lot more loyalty than we've gotten in return.
And the talking heads wonder why nO onE WaNTs tO wORk aNymOre! The workers have been getting hosed for the last fifty years, watching stockholders get rich as our share of the pie dwindles. I've busted my butt for every employer I've ever worked for; some of 'em were standup folks and some were creeps. At the end of the day workers have given a lot more loyalty than we've gotten in return.

Pretty much this. I went to business school to work on trying make companies I work for less shitty. Many of us watched our parents and/or grandparents work for a company then get completely F'ed over when "things got hard". Mass layoffs or the detonation of a pention fund. I'm not even against high pay for executives, but it's not so hot when it's at the expense of others.

I've seen companies do it well and seen far more do a bad job of treating people with dignity. Left a job in December that was one craptastic move of bafoonery after another.

What makes it extra sucky is there's actually people that care about the place and it sucks the life out of them, fighting against the tide of an unhealthy workplace culture. Many of us younger professionals refuse to become slaves of the culture of overwork because it's simply not healthy but also because we often don't trust our employers.

It's funny how different my interviews are these days... i ask a lot more questions than I did when I was younger and just wanted to get paid and have some benefits.
Little League Basketball is winding down but I'm thinking the drama may go beyond regular season. One of the coaches has fallen out of favor with the majority of the parents, opposing players, refs, and other coaches. He's very loud and obnoxious during games. His team was playing my son's team the other night. The opposing team was up 24-3 with 3 minutes left in the game and he still had his best 3 players on the court. There were 4 players on the bench who had played the league minimum minutes. One of their moms "talked" to the coach then left the gym with her son.
He doesn't realize how lucky he is all the games are early on weeknights. None of the Moms have time for a glass or two of wine before the game. No matter how angry they get they still maintain reasonable composure. Last game I heard one of them say she's never been thrown out of a LL game but there's a first time for everything.
The tournament starts Monday and it's a holiday.........maybe I'll talk my wife into pre-gaming with a cocktail or two :cool:
...Last game I heard one of them say she's never been thrown out of a LL game but there's a first time for everything.
The tournament starts Monday and it's a holiday.........maybe I'll talk my wife into pre-gaming with a cocktail or two :cool:
Ha, take it one step further and make it pre-Little League tourney tailgating! I wish I could go!
Looks like the tournament is either postponed or cancelled due to covid. I had a bottle of wine chilled for my wife and her favorite seltzers in the fridge.