WC Startac (new model?)

Aww man... WHY?! :barf:

Looks like the older zaans are going up in value now.
Interesting. This makes three versions of the umnum now. I wonder what brought about the stabilizer change.
All is well :) :) :)

I've been talking to John at WC and he had no idea what I was talking about because he was looking at Startacs that looked exactly like the pics online. I had to send a pic for him to realize what I was complaining about. After seeing the pic, we're on the same page. In short, they have no idea what "that thing" is. John stated that it might have been a prototype slipped through the cracks They are sending me a new one tomorrow with a credit so that I can ship this stepchild back. Awesome service and communication from WC.

What confuses me is that CRK acknowledged this change. So this might be the future going forward. If that is true I'll be $400+ richer when the s35v models come out because I won't be purchasing that in it's current form. I'm going to call Heather (who I've usually dealt with) at CRK to try to find out whats going on.

Monday turned out to be a good day!
My "grail" has always been a Small Umnumzaan with Hinderer Lockbar Stabilizer. Who knew we would see the LBS before the smaller version of the Umnum. Very interesting.
I spoke to Heather at CRk and she told me that the Umnums going forward will have this LBS. I would suspect that if the popularity of the Umnum suffers because of this LbS, they would redesign it. Of course, it might already have been redesigned and I got the stepchild. Hopefully when it comes out in s35v, it won't look like that. I agree with Thieveslikeus in that it isn't needed. The lock bar doesn't need to be pushed that far back to disengage the blade. It's all about efficiency....

Striderco...if you have one coming, i would suggest calling WC to make sure you are getting the "right" one.
Just when I thought Irene was bad enough...

Edit: I know Rick uses Chris's lock on his folders, but IMO, all these hybrid ZT/Strider/Ken Onion/Hinderer knives has to stop. I don't even care for the Wilson Combat collaboration. I know we are all in good company together as knife enthusiast, and I know good design pushes the envelope of innovation, but for the love of Pete this just isn't necessary.

When I cut meat camping, the thing I love about CRK folders is that there's no nooks or crannies for bacteria to hide. They're very easy to clean and feel safe that you've cleaned them. This design just adds another place for bacteria to hide. KEEP IT SIMPLE.
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Granted I like the original design better, I think CRK can make this work.
Granted I like the original design better, I think CRK can make this work.

He will make it work, if he doesn't already have it figured out. I too love the original but I'm an Umnum lover so this was the next step. For a positive spin, I think it shows a testament to the customer service of both companies. CRK is just trying to improve on a design where they might have seen a flaw from all the warranty work they do....sometimes you hit a home run with upgrades and sometimes you don't. At least he has a good foundation in the Umnum so I think in the end, after some tweaks, we'll be happy...
Im not completely opposed to the umnum having a lock stabalizer implemented in the design. I can see why it might be necessary because the umnums lock bar is relativley
thinner and longer compared to the sebenza. But the design right now looks like an after thought and seems like it was just thrown on the knife for a quick fix.
It looks more like a prototype and not a finished design.
suscribing to this thread. I was seirously considering getting one of these, however if they are indeed going through with this and if it looks like that especially than I won't be ordering one.

So keep us posted guys if you guys get a defenite answer.
This seems like the perfect design for an internal one, like Spyderco has, or I think Kershaw has one also.

I like how the Um has seen quite a few large changes over its short history, though, and all of them rolling through without a full redesign. It shows CRK is willing to improve it instead of leaving it to 'good enough' (though it is).
OK, so I went outside and cut grass and this was on my mind for an hour. During my reflection time I've come to a bit different conclusion. Although I posted a pretty aggressive comment earlier about the mixing of designers and the simplicity and functionality of what already works, I've decided that if Chris approves it, it must work -and work well. In fact, this design will certainly allow for some harder use. And the already beefy Umnumzaan just gets beefier with this little addition. So, in the end, I guess it's an acquired taste, and my tastes are already changing a bit. Sorry for blowing my lid.:D
It seems to me the clip on the Umnumzaan puts enough pressure on the lock bar to stop it being over extended. I just don't see a lock stop as being needed....... If it shows up on the Sebenza I think I'll have a stroke, that said they could put the "Idaho Made" on there.
Looks like i ll get it friday. I ll let you guys know! I dont think I want that model with the new stabilizer. I ordered, or I thought I ordered what was advertised on their website! I will call them tom and see what they have to say! Rather have a regular umnum than that model with the lsb! I just hope Wilson is easy to deal with as is cooperative! This is what I thought I was getting.....hope i am getting.......
Wannnnnnhhhhhhhhh between this and the uproar over the idaho made stamp im starting to believe crk collectors are the whiniest people in the world. I don't mind it, actually I like it. It helps my lockbar from being overly extended its good in my book. As for the people that say its ugly my knife wont being going on a display case, in fact it will be going in my pocket to do work
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Thanks for dropping by with your wonderfully worthwhile input.

Wannnnnnhhhhhhhhh between this and the uproar over the idaho made stamp im starting to believe crk collectors are the whinest people in the world
I'm surprised they didn't change the size of the lockbar itself. If you look at an umnum and compare the lockbar to a sebenza (I've done this myself) you'll notice that the umnum is long and skinny. I would think that could have made a difference rather than the stabilizer. I don't mind them on most knives but crk knives just feel to refined for one like this. I agree about the internal stabilizer if it's needed.

I have to say I'm perfectly happy with my first gen version :thumbup:
Not whining pal! Just want to receive what was advertised! The idaho stamp i could care less about. Better than Made in China!!