Off Topic What are tolerances


Apr 8, 2016
I always see people say that their knives have tight tolerance and I wonder if they know what they are actually talking about.. Recently saw this on YouTube and I couldn't say it any better so here it is... Ffkw run down on what tolerance is on knives.

Only made it about halfway through it..Will finish it later as I have time.
I will mention that he talks about calipers being able to measure .0005in.
There is a difference between resolution and measurement capability.
.002 is what the manufacturer of those calipers has listed. Most people that have used them for a decent amount of time are able to measure .001 accurately.
Otherwise, what I have seen looks pretty good..Will finish it a bit later though.
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I think he summed it up nicely in the very beginning by saying what tolerances were and noting that what the average person means by "tight tolerances" is the perceivable result of good tolerances. In that way, I think the average person is using the term correctly because the perceived result is what matters to most people. Practically no one will know the actual numerical tolerances in the materials, sometimes not even the maker.
I think he summed it up nicely in the very beginning by saying what tolerances were and noting that what the average person means by "tight tolerances" is the perceivable result of good tolerances. In that way, I think the average person is using the term correctly because the perceived result is what matters to most people. Practically no one will know the actual numerical tolerances in the materials, sometimes not even the maker.
I think this is absolutely true.

Technically tight tolerances may have a definition, but it's up to the user to decide what they're satisfied with.
If you really want to boggle your mind for awhile, google GD&T. It really is language in and of itself based on symbols, numbers and datums etc.
Only made it about halfway through it..Will finish it later as I have time.
I will mention that he talks about calipers being able to measure .0005in.
There is a difference between resolution and measurement capability.
.002 is what the manufacturer of those calipers has listed. Most people that have used them for a decent amount of time are able to measure .001 accurately.
Otherwise, what I have seen looks pretty good..Will finish it a bit later though.

Yup. Precision vs accuracy.
Tolerance means not posting snarky comments to some of the stupid posts.

I used to work in metal manufacturing in a plant that made cabs for large tractors and excavating equipment. Our tollerances were generally +, - 0.030 of an inch on most large parts that made up the frame and main structure of the cab. I still have my square, protractor and calipers we used for QA, all very nice instruments and expensive.
Tolerances are a deviation from a mean. The tighter the tolerance, the closer to the mean you are, which is where you want to be. Repeatably preferably... This to me, in knife terms, is a tighter lockup, smoother action, and perfect fit/finishes.

Allowable deviation from the mean is a bit closer..the tighter the tolerance, the smaller the deviation from the mean can be.
Damn good though!

danbot danbot :thumbsup::cool: