There's a lot of options here. There's the machetes, which are good, though to be honest they're in a weird place for me, since for not a a bit more I can get a nicer Condor, or for a bit less I can get a good, solid, reliable Tram, Imacasa, or Hansa. There's the tomahawks, but the heads on those have some issues, and frankly, since CRKT put out their Woods line of awesome but affordable hawks, they slightly cooled my enthusiasm for CS hawks too. There's the Kudu and Eland, both nice folders, but the lack of pocket clip and 1 hand opening relegates them to rarely used pieces for me. So...I think ultimately I'm giving my vote to the budget fixed blade line, I've used the Roach Belly and Canadian Belt Knife several times around the house, and I wore a Bowie Spike once when I had some serious concerns about a couple of guys staying at the hotel where I work. My concerns about the guys were justified, they ended up causing trouble, got the cops called on them, and got hauled off, though I luckily never needed the Spike.