What is your favorite budget Cold Steel product?


Sweet. You must be pretty darn close to the show room for such a quick grab.
i got a new Lone Star Hunter for $25 from THE popular online shopping site, so it's now my new fav budget CS folder. what's not to like for $25.

BTW, for those that are interested, that site is still listing the thumbstud Lone Star Hunter for around $26. It's a steal!

I bought one too, for $26.41 shipped it was a steel. I just need to bend the clip out a bit, but other than that it is flawless. The action on mine is smooth and flickable I have no issues with stiffness or the lock bar.
That I own, it would have to be the "Heavy Machete", the KUDU/ELAND, and the standard (not bowie) Bushman.
I have a G.I. Tanto, it is not bad, but I'm still needing to reprofile the tanto edge to a drop point.
Still not liking the Bushman and G.I. Tanto sheaths.
I'll echo a few others. Tuff lite and Mini Tuff are awesome, you can beat the hell out of them and they push back. Plus when they finally give up the ghost (which will take a while) you just buy another. My last mini was $18. Well worth the price.
The GI Tanto. Not the latest greatest super steel, but one tough SOB. And since I only paid $23.00 shipped, I'm not afraid to beat the snot out of it, and it will take it.
well I've read it all, and I'm here to tell you.... dollar per hour of enjoyment..... for pure entertainment.... my favorite budget product has got to be the often overlooked throwing knives...

COUNTLESS hours in the backyard with my son throwing ours... so many fantastic memories made with those knives....