What SAK are ya totin' today?

Happy anniversary to you both. Dan, I can’t quite tell, but if you have your wedding date inscribed on your knife, you are truly a smart man….provided you don’t lose the knife:oops:
Thanks Jim, Yes it's engraved with the date, ha if I loose it, all the men in my wedding party have one as well so they remind me too Also for when I get old and forgetful my wife's name is engraved inside my ring 😂🤣
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That's the way it's starting to looked here, Dan. Rained hard in the last 24 hours.

Have a wonderful day my friend!
We had a half inch of rain 4 days ago and it's only just dry enough to slop around today. Our clay soil holds the water. There's another inch predicted for Wednesday so the tractor is running 24hrs a day till then mate. We are considered semi-desert so any rain is welcomed
We had a half inch of rain 4 days ago and it's only just dry enough to slop around today. Our clay soil holds the water. There's another inch predicted for Wednesday so the tractor is running 24hrs a day till then mate. We are considered semi-desert so any rain is welcomed
That' a lot of rain Dan, I know because our weather service said we got 15mm last night but just a little more coming today.
You stay safe in those slippery fields and again... Happy Anniversary.
Nice pic Pomsbz, cool knives! :thumbsup::thumbsup: