What's the BEST Folder You Have...and YOUR FAVORITE?

My best folder i have would probably be my new benchmade 741 onslaught (could become my favorite soon) my favorite at this moment would have to be my benchmade rukus.
Kershaw Needs Work is my fav. My most prized is a Case XX Toothpick Trapper from the1980's it was my fathers'.
Best and favorite, depending the task: Spyderco Delica, Victorinox Bundeswehr, Opinel nr. 9 carbon

I never leave home without one of them except for air travel when I carry a SwissCard.
Have an Endura in ZDP-189 and that's probably the best steel I own, and 3 CRKT M16 Z's, and they're probably the crappiest steel I own but the knife I carry most often. And my favorite, which is always the NEXT one, is a JYD composite I've not bought yet. I'm really likin' it, and that's a good sign when you don't even own it yet. ;)

Did I mention going nuts lately on hones and needing more knives desperately? Things are way out of balance..
My favorite is my new Spyderco Gayle Bradley, I've had it for about 2 weeks and it has become my favorite EDC blade.

My best is the Strider SnG that's on the way in the mail, should have it today or tomorrow.
Favourite is my BM Rukus.
Best? Best at what? In what regard? I have many folders suited for many different purposes, as I am sure most of you do too.
Spydie Police 3 G-10
BM Rukus
KershawJYD II Comp
ZT 0300
CS Hatamoto
Best and favorite of all time are the same blade. Benchmade 710 D2...hands down. Very versatile, perfect size for a whide range of uses, holds an edge and is easy to touch up.
I guess it would have to be my old caseXX It's a mini trapper CV yellow handles I bought it when all my hair was still on top of my head and it was all one color.
Favorite(s): BM940, ZT350
Best: XM-18 (just sold it)

This will hopefully change once I get the M4 Ritter w/ wilkinsgrips and Blue Manix 2 that should be here SOON!!!!!
My best folder that i have would have to be my mossberg trapper i use it everyday but my favorite knife would have to be my schrade oldtimer sharpfinger fixed blade i also edc this knife i like to use it as a whittling knife also.
I have 2 favorites. Gerber Fastdraw and Smith & Wesson Black Ops spring assisted. Plannin next on Schrade Extreme Survival spring assisted. I'm only intereted in SA.
My best folder as in my most expensive right now is my ZT 0302.

My favorite believe it or not is my BM 585 with my delica 4 at a close second.
It's pretty easy for me to choose , as my Sm. Seb fills both spots for me:thumbup: