Your Dad's Knife

Oct 7, 2014
I'm sure many of us carry a knife at least partially because of the influence of our fathers. My dad carried a Schrade Bruin and or a small case stockman. He was also a skilled sharpener and taught me to take pride in putting a sharp edge on my knife/ knives. What did your dad carry and what do you remember about his carry habits?
One story, dad loved his bruin so much (and they were hard to get a hold of in Canada) that one day when he dropped it down an ice fishing hole he actually went to shore got the biggest magnet he could find and spent about an hour trying to get the knife off the bottom of the lake. He didn't get it back but bought another one on our next trip to the US.
My father carried a Schrade auto he was issued in while in the Air force. It had orange synthetic scales and a sharpened hook for cutting parachute line as a second blade. He gave me that knife when I was a kid. He didn't regularly carry a knife when I was a kid. When I was a teen, I bought him a Buck 110, which he lost after a few years. I then bought him another 110, which he also lost after a few years. Then in the early 1990s, I bought him a Smith and Wesson knife, which I figured he would lose....and he did. Then I gave up......
My dad used to carry one of these in his inside pocket when on the boat:

Eka Swede 82:

Dad always carried a knife and I follow in his footsteps. He carried various things over the years, but always what we call traditional knives now; Case, Schrade, Buck mostly..... Stockman or jack knife patterns for the most part which had two or three blades. They tended to be smaller knives in the 3.5" closed length area. He would probably be shocked if we were out in the woods and I didn't have a knife with me. After I grew up and away from home, I started carrying a Vic Tinker as a dominant EDC. I showed it to him and my sense is that he viewed it as a "kids knife". That tended to be my attitude before I tried one out. He taught us how to sharpen a knife and I can remember sharpening our pocket knives at the kitchen table as sort of a family affair.
My Dad never carried a knife and he was a Mill worker/do all/fix all and neither did my grandfather.. I went down this rabbit hole all by myself..:D

This. I didn't have a role model for knife carrying. Neither my father, nor my two grandfathers carried knives. I've tried to see if my father is interested in carrying a knife, but he's just not. It's not his thing. Now, on the other hand, show him an $800 fountain pen, and his eyes light up. Everyone's got their thing.
Despite being a super-handy guy, my dad never carried/ies a knife.

He does use mine quite a bit when we are together, though ... "Can I borrow your knife?"
He never carried a knife much as I recall, although there was a pearl-handled two-blade folder in his dresser drawer. Showed me how to sharpen, though. I have his old yellow-handled Model U-208 Ulster Fishing Knife and leather case; that knife cleaned and scaled a lot of perch up at Sand Bay, Wisconsin when we were kids.
My dad never carries a knife on him.
He was however a very active guy up until a few years ago, with fishing and hiking, and he has got a fair few fixed blades.

What I remember him using while we were on fishing trips and/or hiking is the Brusletto Bamsen.

He actually found it while on a fishing trip, probably 20 years ago or more.

He also used a Strømeng Samekniv sometimes when he had to make a fire, and didn't have his collapsible saw with him.

So I wouldn't say he has any influence. Maybe in the fixed blade area.
My Dad more often than not wasn’t carrying a knife when I was a kid. He carried a Buck 110 when we’d go out hunting while he let me carry his Schrade Golden Spike(the knife I used to clean my first doe). He always seemed to have his Leatherman on hand, usually kept one in the car and in the house. He collected quite a few knives, I still remember 10 years old me lusting over his Buckmaster. That was the coolest damn knife in the entire world to me back then, haha.

I gifted him a Buck 301 in Rosewood a few years ago and that knife hasn’t left his pocket since. The things I’ve seen him do with it are enough to make any knife nut cringe, but the 301 has held up very well. I thought about getting him something a little nicer, but he really likes that stockman. One of these days I’ll have to send it to Buck to get it worked up, and buy him a stand-in until it gets back.
My Dad had a few different kinds of knives that he carried. One was a scout/camp knife - I was just a little boy so I don't know what brand or model, it had black scales and four blades: plain blade, screwdriver, bottle opener and punch/scraper. The other knives that I remember him carrying were mostly stockmans. I am very fortunate that I still have two of the stockmans that were his.

The first knife I ever had was one of his scout/camp knives - he gave to me when he stopped using it. Of course, being a kid, I don't know what ever happened to it after all these years. The first new knife he bought me was a Barlow, probably an Imperial. No clue what happened to it, either.
One of the things I remember about him was that he sometimes carried a bird & trout fixed blade when deer hunting for hunting chores mostly. But he more often than not, just had a folder with him when hunting. Don't recall him ever using a fixed blade other than around the barn and it was for pure utility purposes. As I recall he owned two fixed blades and the larger one was used mostly for utility tasks like chopping down corn stalks in the garden or chopping up ear corn to feed our cows. The corn stalks got hauled up to the pasture to feed the cows after being chopped up into "bite sized" bits.
My father never carried a knife and was most alarmed that I always had a slip joint in my pocket. The last time I saw him, he grimaced when I opened a package with a Case stockman.
My father carried a Camp Master folding knife when he was still working and an Uncle Henry fixed blade when he was hunting.
Now he carries a small no name lock-back that I gave him years ago. I know he carries it because he showed it to me recently and i forgot I bought it for him.
I don't know what happened to the Camp Master.
Though he never carried it the knife my Dad passed onto me was a English made William Rodgers I cut my way dagger that he had as a teenager.
He lost alot of his stuff when he imagrated from England to Canada, and his knife was one of the few things he had from that time.
Both my grandfathers carried pocket knives, less so my father. My mother does, however. She also has two silver folding knives from late 17th early 18th C. Photos next time I’m up for a visit. ;)
My dad was an elevator repair man and was very tough on tools. He generally used box cutters and cheap Buck 110 knockoffs.