Your newest addition:traditionals of course!

Just in today, a Cut Co EO.

Wow. Just wow! Congratulations Jeff!
Last week @r redden stuck up a conversation in PM. Said he'd found a knife that belonged to me and asked for my address. Well I didn't remember being in his neck of the woods, but figured he knew what he was talking about. Well my "lost" knife arrived today

Apparently I'd misplaced a really nice sheath as well. :eek:
Kidding aside, once again I been struck speechless by Porch generosity. All I can really say is a BIG heartfelt Thank you, Randy! The porch and the great guys and gals, like Randy is like finding a ray of sunshine in a cave. The goodness of the crowd here makes my heart soar!
Have been out of the loop for a little while. Went into the hospital last week for a double hernia repair. Was hoping to come home the same day ... but you can never plan for everything! Ended up staying there for a tad longer than I wanted to. BUT, when I did return home (shortly before my birthday) ... received a WONDERFUL get well / happy birthday gift in the mail from a super thoughtful and generous BF friend. He knows I like smaller knives and sent me this one from his collection. It's a Steve Vanderkolff interframe slippy with some really nice mammoth tooth. The CPM 154 blade is right in my target range ... at 2.75". Will cherish this one forever! Not sure if it will help me recover sooner .... but it will make the journey far more enjoyable!!


That is a beautiful knife Dennis. Congrats on the knife and on having great friends. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Just in today, a Cut Co EO.

Jeff that really is a jaw dropping gorgeous piece of Schrade Cut Co heaven.

Last week @r redden stuck up a conversation in PM. Said he'd found a knife that belonged to me and asked for my address. Well I didn't remember being in his neck of the woods, but figured he knew what he was talking about. Well my "lost" knife arrived today

Apparently I'd misplaced a really nice sheath as well. :eek:
Kidding aside, once again I been struck speechless by Porch generosity. All I can really say is a BIG heartfelt Thank you, Randy! The porch and the great guys and gals, like Randy is like finding a ray of sunshine in a cave. The goodness of the crowd here makes my heart soar!
I'm glad to hear your heart soars David. But let me tell you, there's quite a few of us on the porch that really like your style my friend. Kudos Randy! @r redden

Received my 97 today

Looks like a good'n Harry! :cool:
Okay ... the only Case knives I tend to collect are the seahorse whittlers (and I have a new one of those inbound!). However, since I had to spend some time in the hospital this month, decided to add some Case doctor's knives to the collection. Bought my daughter one some time ago and thought it was interesting, though the main blade didn't seem any more useful to me as, say, the GEC melon tester. So, wanted to add one to the collection in each of the primary blade configurations. These are the ones I settled on. Black-dyed curly maple with blade and spatula, hand-fired peach seed jigged amber bone with customized bolsters and 2-blades, and the bone stag with single blade. Oh ... I did get one more in red bone (blade/spatula) that will be a gift for my surgeon when I see him for my post-surgery follow-up later this month!

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