Pre Order A dozen sheaths for CPK UF2

I had no idea that BF prohibits pre-orders - might change a lot of things for various makers here.

Yeah, I didn't know that either. I can think of at least one very well-regarded maker here who must be unaware of it, too, and a moderator frequently posts in those threads. Lorien seems fine with it, but in general perhaps some clarity would be good there.
Yeah, I didn't know that either. I can think of at least one very well-regarded maker here who must be unaware of it, too, and a moderator frequently posts in those threads. Lorien seems fine with it, but in general perhaps some clarity would be good there.

a moderator sent me a pretty, um... I don't even know how to put it (Let's say I did not take kindly to it, maybe wrongly) pm for posting twice in an exchange thread in under two weeks. I realized then that I didn't really know the rules for the forum as well as I should. I always thought the interval was one week. In this case, I posted once and then posted an update a few posts later. I didn't really think about the two posts<two weeks thing at all, but I should've just updated the op which is what the rules call for.

Now that I'm selling my stuff here, I thought it would be a good idea to avoid stepping on toes- and knowing the rules in a good place to start, given that goal. Here they are;

Here's the part about preorders;

Service Providers -

  1. Be sure that you can offer the service you specify in the time frame agreed upon, for the price you have offered. There will be no taking orders, preorders, or anything of the sort. If you don't have it in hand, wait until you do. Seriously, make us shut these things down.
I don't really understand the last sentence, but the thing about preorders seems clear enough. I don't know if it's a new rule or what, but I think it's not a bad one, generally speaking. Preorders can get super ugly, although some people have no problem pulling it off. Those with a functional moral compass can do it, but as we all know there are plenty of unscrupulous bastards out there who care more about money than they do about how they get them some.
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That's fair enough, and yes, I agree paying attention to policy just makes life easier.
I don't even have a traffic violation to my name!
Lorien, service preorders can’t mean the same thing as sheath preorders. That rule has to apply to things like taking preorders for sharpening and engraving etc.
Lorien, service preorders can’t mean the same thing as sheath preorders. That rule has to apply to things like taking preorders for sharpening and engraving etc.
hadn't thought about that, but there's a bit of a lack of clarity here; The membership level lumps craftsman/knifemakers/service providers into one category, so I don't know if they are singling out service providers from that group, or using 'service providers' to describe the membership subscription as a whole 🤔
"There will be no taking orders, preorders, or anything of the sort. If you don't have it in hand, wait until you do."

Seems to me that the rule intent is NO PREORDERS for service or actual product that one might provide. Yeah it doesn't say "products" but I see no contradiction or ambivalence. Just my 2¢ based upon my reading. What do I know? :rolleyes: I'm sure our new moderator will figure it out. :thumbsup:
I started cutting some leather for this project last night. In using up a nice piece of 9-10oz shoulder, I ended up with 14 welts, so it looks like I may end up making 14 sheaths instead of 12...
my opinion is that the welt is the foundation for a sheath, and that's why it's important to be picky with the leather- particularly where it's from on the animal. I like the denser, more uniform areas where there's less variability in thickness and structure. Also happens to be the best leather for the outside, too! Just means more scrap leather kicking around when it's all said and done

I've learned that it's worth sacrificing some material in order to make sure there's enough extra for mistakes. But it would be cool to have a laser- it would definitely save material. But I'll do it old school for now and learn to do my best impression of a laser
Lorien, service preorders can’t mean the same thing as sheath preorders. That rule has to apply to things like taking preorders for sharpening and engraving etc.

hadn't thought about that, but there's a bit of a lack of clarity here; The membership level lumps craftsman/knifemakers/service providers into one category, so I don't know if they are singling out service providers from that group, or using 'service providers' to describe the membership subscription as a whole 🤔
I appreciate your desire to not violate the rules, LA, but for what it's worth, I interpret that section in the same way Eric does. There is quite a bit of precedent around the forum of known preorders that have never been under the scrutiny of that section of the rules. No issue with you not wanting to do a preorder, but I don't believe it is prohibited by that rule should you want to. If I am wrong, I just hope I can be there when someone lets Spark know he broke the rules and then has to tell all the members of the Porch that the forum knife order is being cancelled.
I appreciate your desire to not violate the rules, LA, but for what it's worth, I interpret that section in the same way Eric does. There is quite a bit of precedent around the forum of known preorders that have never been under the scrutiny of that section of the rules. No issue with you not wanting to do a preorder, but I don't believe it is prohibited by that rule should you want to. If I am wrong, I just hope I can be there when someone lets Spark know he broke the rules and then has to tell all the members of the Porch that the forum knife order is being cancelled.
huh! Well you make a good point.
here's a rundown of the sheath's features, etc.

if you would like to claim one for yourself, please make a post with an 'I'll take it'. Let me know whether or not you want it dyed, (green, brown or black- this option costs extra) and if you are left handed please specify that as well, (no additional cost)
I’ll take it, please. Someday, I’ll have a UF2 to stuff in your excellent sheath. (Not meant how it sounded) Seriously, I want one.
I’ll take it, please. Someday, I’ll have a UF2 to stuff in your excellent sheath. (Not meant how it sounded) Seriously, I want one.
haha! Sounded great to me :)
so, funny story- I figured I might as well post photo updates of this project, like this one;...

and thought maybe there'd be a thread title alert box thingy that said 'Work in Progress' or something like that. Because, essentially, this thread will be a WiP thread.

Instead I found 'Pre Order', for Knifemaker's thread title alert box thingy, so I guess that mystery is definitively solved!

So, this thread is now officially a 'preorder' thread. But I still don't want your money up front.

Let's call this a Trusty Preorder. You trust me when I say that you are on the list, and that even if someone wants to buy the one allocated to you for

you still get right of first refusal. And I trust you to follow through with your commitment to purchase it.
I like how uncomplicated that is.

I've been thinking a lot about preorders, and I think that the only time I might do that, (actually take deposits) is when a bunch of upfront cash for materials, consumables and outsourced services is required. Even then, I'm not sure I'll do something like that any time soon. I'm better off at this point keeping things simple, and following wherever the inspiration takes me.

Knifemaking is supposed to be fun!
somebody out there asked me to make them a DEK1 sheath, and I am so sorry but I cannot remember exactly who that was 🤦‍♂️
I was rearranging some things and found it- I'd already forgotten I made it lol- so if this sounds familiar to anyone out there please get at me.
somebody out there asked me to make them a DEK1 sheath, and I am so sorry but I cannot remember exactly who that was 🤦‍♂️
I was rearranging some things and found it- I'd already forgotten I made it lol- so if this sounds familiar to anyone out there please get at me.

If I recall correctly, it was Fixall Fixall ?