Tell us a little about the colorful Richartz blade, please!!
I don't know much about it. It was part of Harvey's (Cigarrodog) collection that I had seen posted in the Guardians thread (though, it's been determined since to not qualify as a lambsfoot). I saw it languishing on eBay and decided I'd give it a home.

At least some of these were branded as "Pierre Cardin" and featured some sorta "sporty"/ sorta "psychedelic" stripey color motifs. I don't know if this one was all black originally (I've seen them for sale that way) or if it lost its colors somewhere along the way. The blade has a mirror polish, and the colors you see are the reflection of the Miami sky and the seagrape tree in my front yard. That's about all I've got!

Prior to his untimely passing, Harvey (a much better photographer than I) took this picture of it, that I think it's pretty neat in a modern kind of way:


The Otter is also from his collection and I have even less information about it. I keep meaning to email the company and see if they can provide any details, but if anyone knows anything about it as far as age, cover material, etc - I'd be interested in learning more.
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Nice additions Kev, in fact some very cool oldies, Love that Kastor Bros. That Garland is very interesting as I picked up a Garland some time ago and its a very nice Knife with great Bone handles- such as yours.

Smooth looking Boker Dan!

Will, That Older Otter is absolutely gorgeous, one of the nicer older Otters I have seen with that Lovely Bone and very nice Bolsters- what a beauty!

Charlie! Oh boy! That Primble! :eek: Amazing. Gorgeous Bone Handles- it looks as though that Knife was never used Charlie.
Will, That Older Otter is absolutely gorgeous, one of the nicer older Otters I have seen with that Lovely Bone and very nice Bolsters- what a beauty!
Thanks Duncan, I agree!

I found a post where Harvey had stated that he planned to carry it because it's action is amazing - like it rolled off the factory floor last week! In Harvey's honor, I'll occasionally take it around town with me - but I respect it's age and carry something more replaceable for any rough stuff!
I only recently started looking expanding my collection into some German brands, I’m not sure the Hen & Rooster below qualifies to post here as it looks like it was made in Spain which I’ve read is likely no bueno, but the others I think do ( the Bulldog Rabbit Hound is 1st gen the other 2 are 4th Gen I think) and I hope they will not disappoint when I receive them (so far I have the 10 blade Fight’n Rooster I posted earlier and it’s magnificent)…

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Question about my Schrade Walden 897UH, I haven't tried flushing it out or cleaning it up since receiving it earlier this week, but the springs (both of them I guess but it’s worse on the main blade spring) seem really weak, there is literally no snap or it's very faint at best. Is this normal? If not, is there any way to make it better? Maybe cleaning it up and flushing it out is the only thing I can think of but when the main blade is fully open, the spring isnt' quite flush against the spine. The second and third blades, which are on the same spring are flush when open.

If there's a specific thread for Schrade, I couldn't find it so hope it's OK to post this question here.

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Question about my Schrade Walden 897UH, I haven't tried flushing it out or cleaning it up since receiving it earlier this week, but the springs (both of them I guess but it’s worse on the main blade spring) seem really weak, there is literally no snap or it's very faint at best. Is this normal? If not, is there any way to make it better? Maybe cleaning it up and flushing it out is the only thing I can think of but when the main blade is fully open, the spring isnt' quite flush against the spine. The second and third blades, which are on the same spring are flush when open.

If there's a specific thread for Schrade, I couldn't find it so hope it's OK to post this question here.

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Gus, here’s a link to the “Elusive Schrade” thread. I would open the blades and flush the backsprings and joints with mineral oil and blow out with high pressure air. Apply mineral oil again and work the joints (open and close) I hope that helps.
Gus, here’s a link to the “Elusive Schrade” thread. I would open the blades and flush the backsprings and joints with mineral oil and blow out with high pressure air. Apply mineral oil again and work the joints (open and close) I hope that helps.
Thank you, I’ll give that a try and also bookmark the thread. Much appreciated.

Update: Yup a good spa treatment (I used WD-40) rinsed with hot water, dried it off, haven’t oiled it just yet, but already it’s snappy again so must have just been gunk gumming it up a bit. Didn’t seem that dirty but what a big difference now.
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