Traditionals and Cast Iron Cookware

There is a lot of misinformation that causes many to believe that using cast iron is complicated and involved, which couldn't be further from the truth.
I think the complicated view has a few elements. The first is modern cast iron is rough. Find a modern frying pan in a store and run your finger tips over it. All that I have found are rough, almost coarse grit sandpaper like texture. Food sticks to the surface. I do not think you can get enough seasoning to smooth it out. Take a flapper wheel to it, smooth it down, wash it properly, then season properly.
The next item I see is proper seasoning. This takes some time. I do not believe the advertisement of pre-seasoned. The pre-seasoning is on the sandpaper rough frying pans.
Once properly seasoned it takes proper care to maintain the seasoning. These are not dishwasher safe items. Not really dish soap safe items. Wash, dry and apply light coat of oil, lard or grease.
Just my thoughts on new cast iron. The roughness and seasoning do not necessarily apply to old, vintage, properly seasoned and cared for items.
There's also a mind boggling lack of common sense when it comes to kitchen procedure these days.

One specific instance that has been indelibly engrained into memory; We were at a friend's place one evening for one reason or another, on their counter sat several cast iron pans. Each one with a couple of inches of oil in the bottom. When I asked what exactly was happening, the lady of the house explained to me that she was seasoning them, like I was the uninformed one. I made an attempt at saying that wasn't how it was done, but eventually just gave up on the matter and walked away. Some people just don't want to learn, and my tolerance for ignorance isn't exactly stellar.

At least I tried I suppose...🤷‍♂️
There's also a mind boggling lack of common sense when it comes to kitchen procedure these days.
You can apply that thought process to anything. People punching on over toilet paper ring a bell. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
and my tolerance for ignorance isn't exactly stellar.
Join the long queue. And it is a fine trait to have. 🤣🤣🤣:thumbsup:
You can apply that thought process to anything. People punching on over toilet paper ring a bell. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

Join the long queue. And it is a fine trait to have. 🤣🤣🤣:thumbsup:
I've been trying to forget the madness of the last couple of years, I've seen it written here before, stupidity is the true pandemic...

I also remember hearing some years ago that the great gift of middle age is indifference, I just hit 35, and I'm still waiting for that to kick in. While many things I would once have been wound up over don't tend to bother me, I find my tolerance for nonsense decreasing. Am I skipping the indifferent phase and going right for curmudgeon status? Guess I'll know in a few more years.😁
I've been trying to forget the madness of the last couple of years, I've seen it written here before, stupidity is the true pandemic...

I also remember hearing some years ago that the great gift of middle age is indifference, I just hit 35, and I'm still waiting for that to kick in. While many things I would once have been wound up over don't tend to bother me, I find my tolerance for nonsense decreasing. Am I skipping the indifferent phase and going right for curmudgeon status? Guess I'll know in a few more years.😁
I'm 75 now & I must have missed the indifference part completely. I make up for it now by not wearing my hearing aids, because I pretty much don't care what anybody says anymore.
I've been trying to forget the madness of the last couple of years, I've seen it written here before, stupidity is the true pandemic...

I also remember hearing some years ago that the great gift of middle age is indifference, I just hit 35, and I'm still waiting for that to kick in. While many things I would once have been wound up over don't tend to bother me, I find my tolerance for nonsense decreasing. Am I skipping the indifferent phase and going right for curmudgeon status? Guess I'll know in a few more years.😁
I just passed 59 and indifference did not kick in. Lately, I just shake my head at things I see, hear and read
I'm 75 now & I must have missed the indifference part completely. I make up for it now by not wearing my hearing aids, because I pretty much don't care what anybody says anymore.
I am with you on not wearing the hearing aids. Unless the wife is trying to tell me something.
Changed recipe a little. Added shallot to sausage and mostly browned it off before butterflying roast. Will not eat under cooked pork and hate over cooked steak. Will see how it turns.
The one in the background fell apart. Oh well.
Will find outIMG_20230702_182904025_HDR.jpg
First batch done
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Cooked breakfast in our new home this morning, first breakfast meal cooked here (by us). The old Kenmore stovetop works fine, having to learn the appliances. Cooked in the oven last night, also an older Kenmore. The blueberry pancakes were spot on - the blueberry season just ended and the big farms are 20 minutes south of us near New Bern - we got resupplied for the next year and have plenty in the freezer. Been carrying this Case most days while moving - the blades are getting pretty gummy now from cutting packing tape. Used the Smithey, it is a FINE pan Al! OH