Traditionals and Cast Iron Cookware

Moving is a PIA but you do rediscover some stuff - pulled this old Lodge Dutch Oven out of a storage shed today and moved it to my new house. This oven belonged to my scout troop in the 1960ā€™s, I was a patrol leader when we got the new ovens (in 1968). 22 years later I was starting a new troop at our church for my son and his buddies, my old boyhood troop had been defunct for several years, but the Moose Lodge gave me all the remaining gear from my old troop that they had in storage, including this Dutch oven. When the troop I started left our church 15 years later, they wanted to take all the gear - I let them take it all but kept this one oven. Had forgotten about it until today. Think Iā€™ll make a venison stew over a campfire (got a fire pit at our new house in the country). Long story, hope it wasnā€™t too boring for you! The implements were from the second troops era (early 1990ā€˜s and not as old as the oven). OH
Ps. Switched to this knife again today, it is newer than the Dutch oven by ten years, a 1978 Case.

Moving is a PIA but you do rediscover some stuff - pulled this old Lodge Dutch Oven out of a storage shed today and moved it to my new house. This oven belonged to my scout troop in the 1960ā€™s, I was a patrol leader when we got the new ovens (in 1968). 22 years later I was starting a new troop at our church for my son and his buddies, my old boyhood troop had been defunct for several years, but the Moose Lodge gave me all the remaining gear from my old troop that they had in storage, including this Dutch oven. When the troop I started left our church 15 years later, they wanted to take all the gear - I let them take it all but kept this one oven. Had forgotten about it until today. Think Iā€™ll make a venison stew over a campfire (got a fire pit at our new house in the country). Long story, hope it wasnā€™t too boring for you! The implements were from the second troops era (early 1990ā€˜s and not as old as the oven). OH
Ps. Switched to this knife again today, it is newer than the Dutch oven by ten years, a 1978 Case.

To have a piece like that, with the story to go along with it is amazing.
Cooked breakfast in our new home this morning, first breakfast meal cooked here (by us). The old Kenmore stovetop works fine, having to learn the appliances. Cooked in the oven last night, also an older Kenmore. The blueberry pancakes were spot on - the blueberry season just ended and the big farms are 20 minutes south of us near New Bern - we got resupplied for the next year and have plenty in the freezer. Been carrying this Case most days while moving - the blades are getting pretty gummy now from cutting packing tape. Used the Smithey, it is a FINE pan Al! OH
I really enjoy mine
I had Covid a couple years ago and it messed up my smell and taste. I dont even like a hamburger on the grill now. It has a weird dirty, greasy, burnt taste to me now. Its weird because prior to that I was smoking meat or grilling daily and really enjoyed the meat I was making.

Now I prefer a hamburger in the cast Iron. It doesnt have that "nasty" taste to me. And yes my grill is clean, my family loves my food.

Back on topic, I have a rectangle griddle someone gave me a few years ago. It has some rust on it. I need to clean it up, re season and use it.

And would you believe this? Me and family are just now recovering from our 2nd round with Covid last week.
Well, it's not like they found a cure for it. We just got over being terrified of it. The whole lockdown idea was just to give the healthcare system time to handle the surge in workload. They knew people were gonna get it eventually, they just didn't want it to be everyone at once. Plus, they have learned ways to treat it better so you are not as likely to die from it.

I was never diagnosed with it myself, and the times I used the test kits it came up negative, but I had a run of chest colds last year that seemed to take forever to get over and really wiped me out, (never with a high fever or loss of taste or smell) and have been having lingering fatigue issues for about a year, which I seem to be just about over. I have a suspicion one of those chest colds was Covid and I got "long Covid" out of it. That or I am just old and tired and need more naps!
And would you believe this? Me and family are just now recovering from our 2nd round with Covid last week.
My wife, daughter, and I all tested positive last year. Symptoms were minimal, but I think the ā€œbrain fogā€ thing is real - there were a few events about that time that I only have a hazy recollection of. Recently my wife has been feeling ill, and I felt a bit dopey for most of last week. It could be stress and lack of sleep on my part, but Covid HAS been in the news lately. Anyway I seem to have recovered now. What were we talking about again? šŸ¤£.

Edit: we have all our vaccinations.
Another cast iron heavy day today. Brought the Griswold and my lodge down to my parents for the party they have every year on the festival weekend in Wyoming.

Yesterday I was tasked with breakfast. Today it's chilli, first time doing it outside, and I'll have tandem ovens going because dad and I are gonna do a rib roast in whatever free one I'm left with.

The Buck/Larrin 501 collab is doing pocket duty today.