Attachment issues

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I signed up for an imgur account a couple of days ago, from my desktop. No phone number required.

Do you have the link where you did that from? Because when I try it won't let me do anything without giving my phone.
Do you have the link where you did that from? Because when I try it won't let me do anything without giving my phone.
I dont see how you can get an account at imgur without a phone number entered.

just pick one of the robo call numbers that pester you on auto warranty, solar power, or whatever and enter it......😁
Do you have the link where you did that from? Because when I try it won't let me do anything without giving my phone.

I dont see how you can get an account at imgur without a phone number entered.

just pick one of the robo call numbers that pester you on auto warranty, solar power, or whatever and enter it......😁
Sorry guys, I had forgotten already. I did have to enter my phone number. However, your phone number does not show up anywhere on your account, so no one has access to it. They text a verification code to your phone that you have to enter to get an account. They may keep your phone number in their records??, I don't know? But, I could find no way that other users could get that information.
I don't see any of the ads for very long either. As soon as I am signed in I go to my images, which are all posted as hidden. Once I am on that page I don't see ads, or anyone else's goofy posts.
Inappropriate Content
Hey. So I wanted to share an update on issues with Imgur and the importance of local hosting.

Within the last year or so, Imgur started cracking down on sexy images. While knife content is okay there (for now) and this is a knife forum, there are places here where people here enjoy sharing pictures of cars, watches, and yes; hot ladies. The change over at Imgur prompted me to start doing direct attachments here instead.

Well, I tried using Imgur for a hot lady post yesterday and within a day, they scrubbed it. It didn't matter that the post did not contain actual nudity, did not seem to violate actual terms, and was actually marked "private" over there. I'm assuming that the deletion of the image was automated. Here is what that post here looks like now, followed by the original picture as an attachment (for reference purposes).

Being subject to arbitrary crackdowns on various content types is a big reason why direct attachments are so important here. Remember that with more hosting services and social media platforms going "woke", knife content is also at risk. For instance, the knife community on Instagram has recently been dealing with arbitrary crackdowns on basic knife content via "weapons" and "violence" policies wherein the process seems automated and appeals are a pain.

Inappropriate content removed by staff. Stop looking for excuses to publish this crap outside of W&C. Next time it will be more than one point.

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Imgur works just fine.

I understand that it has some more steps to it.

Use it untill the forum fix the issue.
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Just go to imgur image uploader, upload a photo, copy the link and then insert the link in your comment by clicking on the link icon and paste the link in the window and you're done
IMGUR stopped working for me today for some reason. No scantily clad women. Just knives. I keep getting “Image cannot be loaded from the passed link” when I try to paste. This whole pic problem here is getting old.
IMGUR stopped working for me today for some reason. No scantily clad women. Just knives. I keep getting “Image cannot be loaded from the passed link” when I try to paste. This whole pic problem here is getting old.
Be sure that you're not using the "picture" icon and then pasting in "BB code" from imgur.
If you use the picture icon, past the URL of the picture.
If you're using BB code, simply past it into the text box.

Let me know if that solves your issue.
Be sure that you're not using the "picture" icon and then pasting in "BB code" from imgur.
If you use the picture icon, past the URL of the picture.
If you're using BB code, simply past it into the text box.

Let me know if that solves your issue.
I’ve been using the paper clip icon without any problem until this afternoon. And I’m using my iPhone to post pics.
Hey. So I wanted to share an update on issues with Imgur and the importance of local hosting.

Within the last year or so, Imgur started cracking down on sexy images. While knife content is okay there (for now) and this is a knife forum, there are places here where people here enjoy sharing pictures of cars, watches, and yes; hot ladies. The change over at Imgur prompted me to start doing direct attachments here instead.

Well, I tried using Imgur for a hot lady post yesterday and within a day, they scrubbed it. It didn't matter that the post did not contain actual nudity, did not seem to violate actual terms, and was actually marked "private" over there. I'm assuming that the deletion of the image was automated. Here is what that post here looks like now, followed by the original picture as an attachment (for reference purposes).

Being subject to arbitrary crackdowns on various content types is a big reason why direct attachments are so important here. Remember that with more hosting services and social media platforms going "woke", knife content is also at risk. For instance, the knife community on Instagram has recently been dealing with arbitrary crackdowns on basic knife content via "weapons" and "violence" policies wherein the process seems automated and appeals are a pain.
I wouldn't draw a connection to knives based on your "hot lady" post.
You're talking about the difference between sexually implicit vs. explicit, but the fact is Imgur may decide that it wants to avoid that distinction altogether.
As that famous judge once pointed out, he can't define pornography, but he knows it when he sees it.
The sanity check is, "would you casually expose children to Chrono's girlie pictures", and the answer is I would not.
(Or anyone for that matter, but that's a different story.)

That's not the case with knives, which as a photographic medium by themselves have no legal implication.
If there were knife photos that were implicitly or explicitly depicting an illegal activity, you couldn't post them to blade forums anyway.
I would also expect that Imgur wouldn't allow those on their site, either.
Let's not invent reasons to turn Blade Forums into a photo hosting site.
Also , people’s pics in their posts are just coming up as little boxes with a question mark. Good times.
Same with me. Can’t upload from Imgur since this morning and can see photos from Imgur.

Seems to be an issue with chrome on my iPhone. The pictures are coming up in Safari.
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