Home invasion robbery: what would you do?

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Dec 1, 1999
I was watching the local news tonight and there was another attempted home invasion robbery in the quiet city of Alamo, CA. This area is quiet and fairly well off people live there. Well, as the story goes, two gang bangers from a Stockton asian gang had planned to do a home invasion on an asian couple. The gang members rang the bell, and the maid opened the door. They barged in and began to shoot. The maid, husband, and wife got shot. The husband was able to get his gun, and shoot it out with the gang members. One of the gang members died
. The pro gun supporters says that the husband did the right thing, while the anti gun says that having the gun started the shootings. Out of all the home invasions that I have responded to, all the invaders intended to shoot the occupants of the home. As for me, I would repel the invaders using a firearm or if given the chance, any of my edge weapons would stop them. What would you do if a similar situation happened to you and your loved ones?

Broken Arrow, an old high school classmate was victimized by a home invasion gang, both victim and criminal were Asian. They complied and survived and that never made the news. The incident never made the news. These guys also found out the last name of the victim's mother and used that to gain entry. I make no mistake that evil come in many forms however.

To be honest, this is sticky and tricky because there are too many factors. As fast you can draw/shoot, you are not in ideal cirucumstances, so no magic wand stuff but please definitely practice.

I would draw a firearm or long blade when the time is right according to feeling. This also depends on your home. You could have the largest khukri made but if your doorway or walls are too tight, it's of no use and will hamper your ability to swing it.

When it gets to multiple attackers with even some experience, it gets very hard. You might not even see two attackers because most people stare at their gun. So I think it comes to doing what you can and practicing. There is no touchy/feely revenge cinema deal to it.

I hope you and I never have to experience what these families did. But if you do, I hope you get the dumbest, slowest wannabe criminals.

Peace to all,
Unfortunately, it seems to be a sign of the times that home invasions are increasing. There was a terrible case here 10 or so months ago where 3 gang members (the youngest was only 16) broke into a couple's farm and 'accidently' shot the elderly lady in the head while beating and tying her husband up. . . .they got away with a whole $60 (that's only $30 in $US) for their troubles. They were caught soon after and are now all serving life sentences I think. . . .But the point is that in New Zealand anyway, there's precious little we can do to protect ourselves. . .Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there something in the American Constitution about having the right to bear arms to defend home and property??? - I'd still like to think we don't need something like that here in New Zealand, but now I'm not so sure. . . .It just seems to me that people are losing respect for the life and property of others and that makes me sad. I sometimes wish they would try and break into my house. . .I'm 6'3" and 260 pounds and I know my way around my house in the dark a lot better than they would 8-P

But seriously, aren't there more fundamental issues at stake here than what weapons we may use to defend ourselves and our families??

Sad to say home invasions of wealthy (or perceived to be) Asian families by Asian gangs have been increasing since the 70's. Alot of times it barely makes the print. Most of this wealth is generated by businesses within the communities and thus become known to the predators within. There is also a perception, rightly or wrongly, that robbing "their own" will generate less response from the larger society. (There are "historical" reasons for this belief.) There is also the explicit threat to the victims, provided they weren't already killed/hurt, that they are vulnerable to retaliation if they go the authorities.

What amazes me though is that most of the invasions have been accomplished by the ringing of the doorbell, of the hostage taking of an offspring. I think awareness and precaution would do much to mitigate against the success of these predators. I remember reading of an attempt being precluded by an aware family who had moved to the suburbs. Noticing the prescence of Asian youths in a car near the house, a rare occurance where this family lived, the family called the police. Indeed, the youth were preparing an home invasion as evident by the weapons... (There is a social commentary in there somewhere...)

A friend and training partner lived through such an attempt. He and his father went to visit an aunt who owned a restaurant down south. They were in the restaurant. Right after closing, they saw a gang get out of the car with weapons and headed for the entrance. The father grabbed a gun owned by the aunt and shot the first trying to come through the door. My friend, the son, grabbed the gun from his father and shot the guy again and then at the accomplices. He did that because he didn't want his father to face any trouble as the latter was already in the later stages of terminal cancer. The cops came and apprehended the gang members. Fortunately no trouble came to my friend or his father. The gun was legally owned by the aunt. The police saw clearly the scenario and attributed the shooting to the aunt who owned the restaurant and the gun and reported it as justifiable self defense.

I think responsible ownership and access to weapons can help some families, but the underlying awareness and mindset are needed to be successful. Without the latter, it doesn't matter when the critical time comes...


[This message has been edited by sing (edited 01-06-2000).]
One time when I was off duty, I was visiting a friend. His family is really well off. While we were tuning up his racing motorcycle in his garage a Toyota filled with asian gang members pulled up. They sat in their car staring at us. My friend noticed their actions also, so he pulled out his anti-home invasion gun (an custom STI 1911with a four chamber compensator in 9X25 caliber) just in case. I had my HK USP .45 in my right hand and my Moro Sundang in my left. Both of us stood up and asked the gang members if they needed some trouble today. Their eyes opened wide and they sped off. Having the proper mindset and toys will make you less of a victim. After this we called the local P.D. and they were stopped. These gang members did have illegal guns, duct tape, and hoods! I'm glad nothing else happened, but if something errupted, my friend and I were ready. If you look like food, you will be eaten!
Speaking of food, there was a time I thought I was being followed as I heard running footsteps. So I stepped to the side and cocked my hand with the object in if, a pound of fried rice I got from the local Asian deli.

As I looked at them, one froze in his tracks and said "Oh Shiznit."

Needless to say, I found out they were running toward the car past me...to get picked up by their parents. That was good because I was hungry.

Peace to all,
I precipitated the one time I came close to having to use force.

In my early 20's I was driving along the top of a T intersection. Some guys coming up the stem of the T blew past their stopsign and only quick reaction by me prevented a collision. Frightened at the near miss and angry at the beer chugging idiots in the other vehicle, I made a gesture indicating my feelings toward them. They began following me.

Young and stupid, I drove correctly and within the normal speed limit as they followed me until the last turn. I took that turn, floored it, and pulled into my *own* driveway, jumped from the car and had the key in the still closed trunk when they pulled to a stop and started yelling obscenities at me. I heard a door mechanism from their vehicle and at that point popped the trunk open. The trunk lid sprung up, bounced back from the stop once, hit the stop a second time and they'd made the next street.

I waited, with my hand in the trunk, and when they'd driven around the block to stop at a corner 50 yards up the block from my driveway to see if I was bluffing, I took my hand out of the trunk, and walked with my hand down at my side out to the street in front of my driveway facing them so they could see the magnum in my hand.

Now older and wiser, I wouldn't have made the gesture in the first place, and in the second place would not have led them to my house.( I have been known, however, to still carry a knife, this time behind the seat. It's amazing how fast it can be fixed onto the shotgun with it. )

[This message has been edited by Rusty (edited 01-06-2000).]

I live in a reasonably nice area and once when I was sophmore in high school some college age guys tried to steal my good friends new mustang. It was aroung one in the morning and I was stitting on my porch having a smoke when they walked out from around the back of his house. I saw them trying to use a slim jim on his door so I asked them what they were doing. I'm sure you can guess what happened next. I was a little roughed up but I came out on top and my buddies mom called the police, they were picked up half a mile away trying the same thing with just as much success! A week later I was being charged for assult! I guess one of them knew me and my martial art background! It was thrown out.

- D

Spar paa vannet, drikk ol
Ok, Here is what I wouldn't do, like ask them to join me for a cup of tea or hot cocoa.


Originally posted by Broken Arrow:
I was watching the local news tonight and there was another attempted home invasion robbery in the quiet city of Alamo, CA. This area is quiet and fairly well off people live there. Well, as the story goes, two gang bangers from a Stockton asian gang had planned to do a home invasion on an asian couple. The gang members rang the bell, and the maid opened the door. They barged in and began to shoot. The maid, husband, and wife got shot. The husband was able to get his gun, and shoot it out with the gang members. One of the gang members died
. The pro gun supporters says that the husband did the right thing, while the anti gun says that having the gun started the shootings. Out of all the home invasions that I have responded to, all the invaders intended to shoot the occupants of the home. As for me, I would repel the invaders using a firearm or if given the chance, any of my edge weapons would stop them. What would you do if a similar situation happened to you and your loved ones?

First off i own dogs. Attacked trained Belgian Tervurens.In order for such an invasion to take place they would have to get past the dogs unnoticed.(fat chance)If they did get past the dogs they would get a 12 gauge welcome.Hopefully the local P.D. wouldn't be too far behind. Anyway it is always better to be over prepared than under prepared.
Since I live in the UK (where the per capita murder rate is steadily rising and on current trends is set to overtake the US in the next few years)I'd hide under the bed and hope. Under UK law, (I was a lawyer until a few years ago), you're only allowed to use force to defend yourself as a very last resort, where the alternative would be getting killed or seriously injured, and there are no alternative courses of action (such as running away, holding still and getting beaten up, standing by while my family is assaulted etc). In practice, this means that if I disturb an intruder and produce a weapon or have a weapon in my hand, I'll be charged with assault. If I use the weapon, I'll undoubtedly go to jail. The intruder will probably get probation or 'community service', and walk free. Recently we had a case where an 80 year old man in a wheelchair aimed a shotgun at some guys who'd broken into his house and were threatening to kill him. He went to jail for possession of a firearm. The intruders went free. The bottom line is; there's very little an intruder could do to you that wouldn't be better than what the State will do to you if you try and defend yourself.
Here in Louisiana, there has been a slight increase in home invasions, but probably not as much as in some other places, mainly because we have a state law that allows a home-owner to blow away anyone coming into his home uninvited -- and it doesn't matter if the intruder is armed or not. Same with carjackings -- if someone tries to force his way into your car, you can legally use deadly force. And since it's a well-known fact that there's a high rate of gun ownership among us rednecks, bad guys not only know that there's a real good chance the homeowner (or car owner) has a firearm, but that he knows how to use it and would welcome the chance to rid society of some of its garbage.

[This message has been edited by Steven F (edited 01-06-2000).]
Speaking of carjackings, the joke around Montana this summer is that they are usually referred to as attempted suicides ( that give you any idea of Montanan's attitudes toward carrying? ).

[This message has been edited by Rusty (edited 01-07-2000).]
In the words of one of my Very Young cuzins.

"I'ud shoot da baturd(s)."

The Mossberg is loaded with #6 shot in order to not tear up the house extensively.
There is no use letting a worthless being cause a person any more trouble in cleaning up thier mess.The best ya can hope for is that they're anemic and won't bleed much.(vbeseg)


If you mix milk of magnesia with vodka and orange juice do you get a phillips screwdriver?

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