Home invasion robbery: what would you do?

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Even the ancient art of rock throwing can be effective. Just keep some rocks in every room, (pick them out as you go, you can always find a real nice throwing stone around here). Sounds weird but it can work.


Tom, I'm not kidding myself. Swords, knives, and bows have no serial numbers yet. And from now on, it's buy where they don't know me and pay cash. If needed, make or get it made out of town.

And one thing in our favor - remember the opening of the New Maverick TV show - he goes into a saloon for a high stakes poker game and gets searched by the Sheriff who remembers all the guns and their hiding places from stories he's heard and relieves Maverick of about 12 or 14 guns.

And when the showdown comes, Maverick is holding his hand underneath the table, inviting the cardcheat to call his bluff,
"Cause there ain't no lawman is going to look for a second deringer up the same sleeve."

Point is, the sheeple don't believe there are guys who think in tertiary and quatenary levels of back up. They take a dozen guns or knives away from you and they'll never believe that those were only the ones you meant for them to find.

I don't own a deer rifle, a duck gun or an upland double for chukar. I'd like to, but I spent my money years ago on pre-1994 ban stuff.

And where I live, if it comes to that, the guys out burying their guns in the same canyon as me are likely to be the local sheriff, the Justice of the Peace, and most of the County Commissioners.
"Now every time I read the paper the same old feeling comes on; we're waist deep in the Big Muddy, and the Big Fool says to push on!"

[This message has been edited by Rusty (edited 01-10-2000).]
Jay H has touched on something about rocks.

Here's a tidbit from Sockut's "Secrets of Street Survival Israeli Style"

"Rocks are NOT pebbles. They have taken out the enemy and put people in comas."

My fellow forumites, please allow me to rant for just a moment.

In some recent posts I've noticed how all of you speak of young punks and gangbangers, and I beg you please do not allow these few to spoil you view of my peers and myself. It's true, many people in my age group (18) are the current scum of society, but not all of us are. if any of you were to see me you would probably think that I would be the next to slaughter school children, or rob your house. You would never guess that I have more than 7 years of leadership training under my belt, or that last year I put in over 140 hours of community service voluntarily. I've also been a member of the Marine Corp Jr R.O.T.C. for 4 years when in high school, and have assisted in winter manuvers with the M.C. reserve. I've also been a peer mediator, but until about a month ago I had white hair and I have a total of 7 body piercings. I dress mostly in black or other dark colours, and honestly I'm known for being a very shady looking person. I'm also known for my patence in the face of adversity and I always try to help people when I can. The same holds true for most of my associates, I swear we are not the minority. Don't give up on us yet. That said I'll move to a different subject.

You guys are scaring the hell out of me with all this talk of weapons control. For a young guy who has many years ahead of him, and has been trained to use his hands and other things to protect what he loves since a very young age this is very frightining. All the more because I know that it is true. Somthing must be done, but what? The biggest problem with this is that those few who know do not instruct. Recently I was engauged in a conversation with my close friends about this and none of use have any real idea about what to do to stop it. Help us! Share what you know, no young person wants to grow old as a slave. I don't know if this was the proper place for this but I felt that it needed to be said. Please forgive me if I have offended anyone, I just wanted you older folks out there to hear one of the many outcries of the youth of America. That said, I say goodnight and thank you for your time and the use of this page.

- Daniel Alfredo Balderas


[This message has been edited by Vampire Hunter D (edited 01-12-2000).]
If some of those buried guns are forgotten and excavated in a far future, what will the archaeologists' guess of our life be?

Peaceful people who are determined to throw their guns, or more likely, disarmed people under tyranny!

\(^o^)/ Mizutani Satoshi \(^o^)/

Don't take it all too personally. The bad ones come in all ages, sizes, genders and ethnicities.

Keep doing what you're doing. Think ethically. Act responsibly. Treat others with respect. Learn as much as possible. Be prepare to defend what's right. We'll all be okay.


AKTI #A000356
Sticks and stones! It ain't over 'till it's over.

Daniel, appearance means little to me. You are too young to remember Ted Bundy but if you do a little research you'll see what I mean.

I try to look beyond and beneath personal appearance. Take myself, for example. I look like a worn out old man ready to fall down dead but inside there lives something completely different. I don't care what you look like, I care how you live. I believe that all the forumites feel the same as me.

Uncle Bill
Himalayan Imports Website
Khukuri FAQ

Don't take the young punks and gangbangers too personally. Too bad society likes to judge people on how one looks first, not whats inside. I'm glad you are doing the things you mentioned about yourself. Many young people should realize their potential. Many young people that I encounter are really good, but some others are very scary. When you look into their eyes, it seems like they don't have a soul! Multiple time I had 10 to 14 year old kids pull guns out on me (mostly 9mm and .25s) and of course I had to take action. Things have changed. The young ones now should realize that they are the future.

I just wanted to make sure that everyone knew that we weren't all souless evil-doers. I know how frequently I'm mistreated beacause of my appearance. I wanted you to make sure that you think twice before you do the same thing. Especially considering that some of you have arsinals greater than my local National Gaurd!
I also want to know what can be done to prevent our usual "follow the U.K. Trend." Thank you all for the kind words. I know that if I join the military I can obtain a permit to carry consealed weapons where ever I may go, including airports. At least thats what I'm told by my Marine buddies. What other options are there? Here in South Bend you can carry any sized knife unconcealed as long as you can prove that you have a good reason. Consealed knives can only be the length of the tip of your middle finger to the palm of your hand. I'm not sure why this is. All hand guns must be carried with a permit. If you're young they look at you very suspiciously when you file for a permit or liscense. 18 for a permit to carry, 21 to buy. That never made sense to me either. I'm now realizing how off topic this is, and I'm sorry. If this is to be followed up maybe it's time for a new thread. Thanks.

- D

P.S. Sorry for double posting.

Spar paa vannet, drikk ol
I most certainly agree with all that's been spoken here.
I don't have anything hid out because there's to many guys around here with metal detectors searching for the old Jesses James and other outlaws of the past treasures.( I could do some Real Good Stereotyping about these people now! LMAO.)
And the part of Oklahoma I live in is way to crowded!!
The safest place to put anything is on the Indin lands of which there is little left.

We adopted a young gangbanger into our family as a grandson.
A friend of ours had brought him a long way.He wanted to get back to his roots and the old Indin ways.He is Sac and Fox,
Cherokee and Scot,Irish.
He was doing really well and he had advanced to being our Firekeeper forour Sweatlodge.That's a very responsible,honorable position!! All of us were so very proud of what he was doing ad how he was doing it.Then....

He had never been made responsible for his own actions and often wondered why he had consequences to pay.
He has retired from the gang he is in,because that gives him an out not to participate in gang activities.They're not something that a person can easily walk away from if you want to live.
He is trying to turn several other young warriors from the gangland ways.He does good most of the time.Many of them have came here to Sweat with us in our Sweatlodge.

A while back he was going through some rough times and started pulling some stupid,foolish stunts like taking the electric meter out of it's box so he could plug it in when he wanted electrical power.He was turning the water back on for the same reasons.
I told him he was stealing those things and he got rather indignant and said it didn't matter because it was the "Whiteman" (Yonegs) that he was taking it from.He _wouldn't_ see where it was wrong.

He also made a mistake of trying to get in a pissin contest with me in the Sweatlodge while we were having Ceremony.What was really bad about this is that he told the two young boys he brought with him that there was gonna be an argument and that he was gonna win!

( All of these things were taking place at the same time.
Barb and me really do want to see this grandson succeed.We have invested about $600.00 in him to see that he does.)

I had to send him away until he could see where he was doing wrong.He kept getting in deeper and deeper and the consequences were becoming more severe.
He finally called and said he wanted to talk.I told him okay,but I wasn't putting up with his attitude.
He came out and apologized to me
and I told him he could come back to the Sweats,but that he was gonna have to apologize to the people he had offended and for disrupting the lodge.He did that and I am proud of him.I have made him start at the beginning again and it's gonna be awhile before he can have the responsibilities he once had here.That's the way things work in the Old Ways.

He has a girlfriend that has spiked hair and multiple body pierceings and dresses mostly in black.She is a real nice little ol' girl with the same problems of hundreds and thousands of other kids her age.She has set in our Lodge also and gets a lot out of it.She doesn't have a drop of Indin Blood and it doen't matter.
Black Elk spoke about the healing of the nations and this is my small part of helping the world do that.

I get really aggravated hearing the vulgar language that has become commonplace in this day and age.You know that the kids learned it from thier parents and that they use it around them too.
The parents are the ones I get really angry at.

It's my opinion that the family unit is the most important
component of society today and yesterday and tomorrow.
It seems the affluence of the US after WW II is a large part of the problems today.Familys started moving away from family in order to prosper.Then grandma and grandpa weren't around to help with the raising of the little ones.Momma and Daddy were and are too bsy too look after thier kids and most believe that _thier_ kids can do no wrong.
I finished growing up next door to family like that.If thier parents had of only known half of what thier kids had done they would have killed them.They wouldn't believe what anyone tod them about thier kids though.

A kinduv funny thing about our adopted grandson... He told me a while back that some Christian lady had told him to YELL at God about his circumstances!!
Well he did and things really got bad.
I asked him why he had done that after what had happened after he Yelled at me.
He said,"I hear you!!"

it's one thing for an Elder to send you away until you learn what's right.
The Great Mystery can really bring pee upon a person!!

Sorry for the rambling.

Daniel these are some of the things I feel are important.The Indin people have not only the same problms your age group does,they also have the stereotyping that all ethnic and minority groups such as yours has to put up with.

If you ever find yourself headed this way you are welcome to come set in the Sweat with us.I do know there are a lot more youngens your age trying to set some things straight.
All of you have my support and respect.
Back in the '50's when I was a teenager we talked about these same hings.Everyone thought that all young people were juvenile delinquints and dope heads.Some things never change and now people lie me are aghast at what language we hear in the parking lots and the Malls.
Makes me wonder what word the kids are gonna use when things get really bad,like when one of thier own gets blown away by some foolish peer of thiers
trying to impress someone or something.Our prisons are full of those kinds of people....
I wish it was like it was back in the '40's.
People were friendlier back then and kids called adults Mr.and Mrs.
You could take your .410 out to shoot rabbits or squirrels unsupervised when you were 11 or so years old.

Help us get back to those kinds of values.


If you mix milk of magnesia with vodka and orange juice do you get a phillips screwdriver?

Khukuri FAQ

I can agree with you uncle Bill. There are young children, or even old women living in very harsh places in the world who are mentally stronger and harder workers than some of the toughest fighters. --- I remember when I was in my teens, my friend and I were pushing each other and his old aunt thought we were fighting. She grabbed a kitchen knife and chased me (almost got me) That gave me quite a jolt to say the least. It was a close one.


Originally posted by Vampire Hunter D:

I know that if I join the military I can obtain a permit to carry consealed weapons where ever I may go, including airports. At least thats what I'm told by my Marine buddies.

They're wrong. LEOs and military personnel are not allowed to carry weapons on airplanes unless they are on duty and transporting prisoners or something like that that requires it, and then they have to go through a lot of red tape. Just being a cop or a soldier doesn't give you any privilege. (Because it would be difficult for the airlines to verify that status and very easy for hijackers to obtain fake id.)

Consealed knives can only be the length of the tip of your middle finger to the palm of your hand.

That's false, too. A lot of cops in a lot of jurisdictions seem to sincerely believe that's the law, but it isn't the law anywhere in the US.

18 for a permit to carry, 21 to buy. That never made sense to me either.

It's hard enough to figure out what the weapon laws are without the handicap of expecting them to make any sense at all....

When teenagers first started wearing spiky hair and piercings and listening to music that sounded weird to me I started to freak out a little ... it lasted about a minute and then I remembered how the older generation reacted to my hair style and music when I was a teenager and I calmed down.

-Cougar Allen :{)
This post is not merely the author's opinions; it is the trrrrrruth. This post is intended to cause dissension and unrest and upset people, and ultimately drive them mad. Please do not misinterpret my intentions in posting this.
One of the best things about the 'Net, in my opinion, is that you get to judge people by what they say and think, not by how they look or their age or the color of their skin.

Daniel is a case in point. If I saw him in the street, I'd probably cross over to avoid him. Reading what he's written here, I can see what he's really like.

Pleased to meet you, Daniel. Stick around.
Asian gangsters! As an Asian, I felt a bit guilty ... but I am very confident that those Asian gangsters are not Malays, Indonesians, Nepalis, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis or Arabs because our historical background were clean from any type of gangsters, triad society or any underground movement ... these Asian gangsters must be from the north east part of Asian continent - Please correct me if I'm wrong! Now, I don't feel guilty any more ....

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