Home invasion robbery: what would you do?

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Thank you all for your kind words, and Yvsa I would be very honored to come and sweat with you. As for the foul language, I too am guilty. When you hear it all day it's hard not to pick it up. I mostly learned from television, not my parents. Now I hear it from every adult I see. More so from them than my peers. I will call people who I think deserve it Mr. or Mrs., but I must say I don't think some deserve it. To me saying Mr. or Mrs. is a term of respect and humility, while I do apprieciate the wisdom age brings I will not call a venerated war hero who beats his wife and children Mr. I know how arrogant it may seem, but I refuse to elevate someone to that station who I think doesn't deserve it. In my eyes you must be at least my equal or greater to deserve titles such as Mr., Sir, or friend. You might be interested to know that there is a good deal of Apache blood running though my veins.Although I know next to nothing about them, I tend to favor my German side. Cougar, from what I understand the whole airplane thing was when they are on duty. Usally acting as an escort. Also the knife measurement was told to me by a local police officer, so whether or not it's true it seems as though my local police force adhears to that idea! Thanks again.

- D

If it makes you feel any better. Most of the "Asian Gangsters" aren't of the ethnicities you described. In the sixties and seventies, most were Chinese because this ethnicity group was the largest of the Asians. Today, you can throw in the mix of Khmers, Vietnamese, Laotians, and Hmongs. Many of these have arrived as refugees having fought or parents who fought on the "wrong" side of the Southeast Asian War.

Many of these kids lack the family structure that Yvsa describes. Many come from families where members have been lossed in conflict or the escape route. Some of these kids saw their family members killed. Some of these kids come and caught between the cultures of their parents and that of the "mainstream" society. Some of these kids get no support from parents because the parents themselves are traumatized and experiencing serious dislocation/PTSD. Despite this, a lot of these kids have made it through, graduating as valedictorians, going to college, becoming doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, etc. Some kids can get beyond the initial situations. However, you take any group and put them through the ringer and relocate them, you will find again the brightest beacons of hope and darkest pits of dispair...

BTW, I am Chinese. I work in the community with recent newcomer families. Some of the stories I hear make me want to just give up, sit down and cry. But, then I am reminded time and again by kids who crawl out of the ashes, like phoenixes, and soar for all to see. It's the best of the human spirit. It's the positive potential that inherent to all regardless of background...


AKTI #A000356
Last night when I was working, I arrested a young asian gang member. He liked to steal modified import sport coupes and also home invasions. This time he was trying to car jack a rich high school kid with a flashy looking Acura Integra. When I saw his actions I interrupted him fast. He ran and I called for back up and pursued him. I finally caught up with him (boy he could run fast! I'm getting old for this line of work) and I was able to kick his legs out from under him. He fell on the sidewalk and started screaming. As soon as he saw my muzzle of my HK .45 USP he stopped. He kept staring at my gun. He asked what type of gun it was and I said it was a .45. He turned more pale
. Then he started to tell me he was shot many times with a 9mm and lived. I said O.K. and brought him in. At intake I had to strip search him, and I saw his battle scars. He had been shot more than 12 times with a 9mm, but all the hits were in his thighs and arms! It's good most of the bad dudes can't shoot!
That's why my friends and I practice so much (minimum 500 rounds a week)! I asked Mr. tough guy if he had a choice to get shot or cut ( I showed him my HI 20" Sirupati), which would he choose if I were to use it on him. He really freaked out! He said he never seen a knife like that. He chose the gun. I wish I could carry my 20" Sirupati on my duty belt! The intimidation factor of a big blade seems to be higher here in the U.S.. At least one more off the streets for a while.
VHD/Daniel, and other forumites:

It may have been Socrates who bewailed the lack of respect of the youth of the time.

Let me add something to what Yvsa said. He was a teen in the 50's, I was one from '63 to '69. That was the Hippie, Haight Ashbury, "Tune in, Turn on, Drop out" flower power generation.

We saw the hipocracy of our parents, of politics, and were going to change the world. Starting out by NOT repeating the same mistakes and garbage our parents pulled on us. We totally rejected the old fuddy-duddy ways. We weren't parents but friends to our kids. And on and on.

Well then, Golly Gee Whilikers: our kids, who had had pals but not parents, went out and had children. Your generation. And your parents, never having seen how to parent ... were often unmitigated disaster.

Daniel, my generation had long hair ( to enrage their elders ), did drugs (ditto), developed a counter culture ( ditto ), rejected authority (ditto ), tried to start the revolution ( ditto ), wore tie died and other weird clothing ( ditto ).

Of course we now despise you punks - your parents were clueless, and now we've had 35 years to grow up. We see you kids and *you*punks*rub*our*noses*in how callow and deluded WE used to be. It's either gripe at you or look at ourselves in the mirror. And one needs to be pretty desperate to be really honest. LMAO - but it's true.

Some well meaning and unwanted advice, do daily:

1) Refuse to hate: hatred is like drinking a glass of poison and waiting for the other guy to die. Or committing suicide so that "then they'll be sorry."

2) Make a committment to JOY: as the man said, I think that my job today is to enjoy myself, whether I like it or not.

3) Do your morning prayers and meditation in the bathtub: The most important part of prayer is listening, and being naked and in hot water improves your listening skills marvelously. ( I'll explain it to you later Yvsa ).

4) When it comes time that you have to walk on water, always remember the first rule of walking on water: never forget that you can't swim.

BTW - it's normal to be too soon old and too late schmardt. But what this says is you won't understand it until too late.

Me, I'm a wonderful person 20% of the time, a complete rodent's rectum about 18% of the time ( that's called spiritual progress ) confuseled 65% of the time; wrong 35% of the time; asleep 45% of the time and right 5% of the time.

Ooops, forgot to ask - so how large is your local National Guard armory?

Also, when you double post, you can look up at the top of your postsin the upper right corner. There'll be four icons.

1) a face in profile and a question mark.
2) a post card
3) a tablet and pencil with eraser
4) a tablet with arrow

by clicking on the third icon, you can go into that message and edit it. When you double post, go into one of the posts and erase all the text. You might then put in "Double Post" as a pleasantry and to be courteous.

"Now every time I read the paper the same old feeling comes on; we're waist deep in the Big Muddy, and the Big Fool says to push on!"

[This message has been edited by Rusty (edited 01-12-2000).]
Great post, Rusty.

I was a teen in the late 40's and early 50's. With all those WWII vets as fathers, brothers, uncles, etc. there was not much in the way of unacceptable behavior of any kind.

I think the reason the US government gave the veterans benefits, including the GI bill (smartest move the government ever made perhaps even though it was accidental) was they knew they had a potential armed revolution (with several million very experienced men) on their hands if they didn't do things right.

Uncle Bill
Himalayan Imports Website
Khukuri FAQ

Socrates had a great time "corrupting the youth of Athens," until the Athenians killed him for it. It would have been out of character for him to bewail lack-of-respect in the young. He was always trying to get them to question beliefs, authorities and conventions.

If he said that it's in a dialog I haven't read yet.
I agree VHD.Many of the older people do not deserve respect and you cited a perfect example of one who didn't.
I am guilty of the foul language somtimes myself too.
What I don't like to say and hear is that 4 letter word that used to be spoken in secret.
That's what I mean when I ask what words is anyone going to use when they get really angry.?
There are people my age that use it fairly commonly and it's because of the reason you stated.They hear it all the time.

It comes down for me to think about what I say myself and I sure ain't no plaster saint!!
Each local area has it's own unique vocabulary and I have lived in many places.It's funny how quickly I could learn that stuff and have trouble with english too.(vbeseg)
I really do watch my language much better because our grand daughter is livng here and she isn't too bad as of yet.I sure don't want to be the one who makes her worse.She doesn't use near as many of those words since she has lived here for a little while now.

There are two phrases that are in very common usage by almost everyone.I used to use them myself until I really got to listening to what other people sounded like when using the phrases and then myself.
The phrases are.... "To be honest with you." And..."To tell you the truth."
I got too thinking about that and often wondered when someone told me either of them if they didn't always "tell me the truh" or "to be honest with you." if they weren't always honest with me.
What Really brought that home too me was what it sounded like when I said either of them.
I sure didn't want anyone to question my honesty or truthfullness and I quit saying them.I also know that most people have never thought abut these words and mean nothing by them when they say them.
I have discussed them with a few really close friends and now they don't say them either.

There are questions that I haad rather not answer sometimes and also things I would rather not talk about.
People who know me really well know Not to ask me a Direct Question because I will tell them no matter what or when it is,was or whatever.I have been known to beg someone to retract a question because of what the truth would reveal.That's about the only thing I would ever beg for.The Real Truth is so many times more devastating to us human beings as....well,you know!

I think a lot of the differences is where people were raised.For many Years I bemoaned the fact that my dad had always moved us/me around a lot when I was younger.Most times I wasn't around a whole lot of people.
That had a tendencey to make me a loner and I very much was.That is until I "discovered" girls! (VBEG)
Then I woke up one day and realized that I was becoming what I hated most in the world.
I was becoming the mirror image of my father and that was something that I hated so badly that death would be much more pleasant than living that kind of lie.
I can at least talk about him now without the bitter taste of bile surgeing up my throat and my fists clenching up.
I have recognized the "good times" we had when I was a youngster.There are many more wonderul,funny and loving memories than I once knew and I am Very grateful for those.

Rusty is right on in his post about the era's we have all grown up in.
Being where and when as I was
at the time gave me some really skewed outlooks on several things.
I really "wanted" to be at Wounded Knee in 1973 and '74.
I was very sympathetic to the Great Hippie Movement.I have friends and family both that are raising kids without any sort of physical punishment and it Works when done correctly!!

Rusty is very right when he talks about being naked and in Hot Water in the morning,evening or Whenever
doing your Prayers!!
And being quiet does let a person "hear" the answers.

This is a mighty good thread.
I am very grateful that our Host and Friend and Relative
knows what Khukuri's are all about!!


If you mix milk of magnesia with vodka and orange juice do you get a phillips screwdriver?

Khukuri FAQ

Speaking of phrases you've stopped using, one of mine was replying "fair to middling" when asked how things were going. True or false, and I'd like to know either way, was that it was a blacksmith's/farriers term for a horseshoe the right color to work. IIRC, fair was a dull red and too hard ( not hot enough ), middling was yellow/white and too soft ( too hot ).

Also, the phrase "not worth a tinker's dam", went back to the time pots and pans had cooking surfaces of tin to protect the copper outside. To keep it in good repair, the Tinker who would periodically come around the farms would overheat the pan til some new tim inside the pan melted and recoated it's surface. If, however, the pan was not timely retinned, the copper was likely to get worn and a hole appear. The pan being too valuable to throw away, the tinker would take a small piece of clay ( like play-doh ) roll it untill it was pencil shaped only narrower, and press it around the pan's hole. I guess he'd also press a coin shaped piece of clay on the opposite side. That done, he'd pour tin inside the clay circle, or dam, to hold the tin til it cooled. Naturally what was left of the clay dam was effectively worthless afterwards. Therefore, somethings worthlessness was expressed as "not worth a tinker's dam".

"Now every time I read the paper the same old feeling comes on; we're waist deep in the Big Muddy, and the Big Fool says to push on!"
Great post, Yvsa.

I have admitted on the forum that I swear like a sailor because I was one. This is true but I do not swear in certain situations. Examples, never in church, gompa, temple, in front of children or females -- you get the idea. In the company of like minded men sipping a few beers I can turn it on until the air turns blue but if a man tells me it offends him I respect that and turn it off.

This thread is about people and situations. Most of us here have guns, knives and khukuris. It is all tied together and so are we so it all has everything to do with khukuris. Remember, they have a spirit, too!

I am honored to be a member of such a fine group of humans.

Uncle Bill
Himalayan Imports Website
Khukuri FAQ


( It's getting pretty deep, so get on those waders or hip boots before it gets much deeper. )

Howard: maybe it was Plato or Aristotle, or Sophocles. Aristophanes got a little too raunchy in Lysistrata to be a prime suspect. Anyway, it were one or tother a' them dead Greeks.

Draco, ruler of one of the city/states, earned his place in history not for being what we would suspect was Draconian ( i.e. death penalty for jaywalking ) but because at the time each city had it's laws posted at the gate.

Draco posted them, but so far up the wall above the gate they could not be read, thus giving him and his the opportunity to administer the laws without fear of being contradicted.

Now I remember - just where it is that the khukuri fits in with all of this. be it the ancient Greeks, the Nepalis, or cyberspace, it's telling stories. We've gone from a log or a circle around the flickering fire telling tall tales, to sitting around the flickering monitor swapping stories. The lamp is the symbol of learning, education. The flame is the symbol for life. Where do khuks come in? Well, the fire dies out if you don't add more wood, and how else you gonna chop it up?

And VHD/Daniel, there's a saying that:

"While some people hesitate, because they feel inferior,

Others are busy making mistakes and becoming superior."

( Also put as: Good Judgement comes from experience - and most experience comes from bad judgement. )

Either way, mistakes learned from are valuable. Each time you make a mistake you learn another way that doesn't work. Enough balogna out of me. Good night.

[This message has been edited by Rusty (edited 01-12-2000).]

Hello Again,

Rusty, that is what being a young punk is all about. I also agree with you on your other points. Something else that I do at the end of each day is try to remember all of my faults and frailities(sp?) and do what I can to correct them.

Yvsa, most of the time worst word I utter begins with s and ends with t.
However, I'm notorious for my primal screams when angered and because I have a short temper they are heard frequently. You should really try this you'll get more out of it than any foul word will ever offer.

The phrase that I try to avoid the most is, "I'm sorry you feel that way." Usually when you say this you're saying it to someone who you've hurt and it's your fault. I've seen this phrase used far to often to convienently dodge responsability. What you should say is, "I'm sorry that I made you feel this way."

While we're on the saying's and accomplishments of people past, here is one of my favorites.
What is a good man but a bad mans teacher?
What is a bad man but a good man's job?
If you don't understand this, you will get lost, however intellegent you are.
It is the great secret.
- Lao Tzu

- D
A serious post than usual:
VHD, I'm too young to tell what you should do, but please let me give you a little peace of mind.
An extraordinary looking doesn't always bring bad things or mistreat. Everything cannot be only bad. Please remember what good things you got, friendship, pride, maybe confort. Cherish them, realize the deal, and you can live you life! Bad experiences will make sweet memories as well as good ones.

\(^o^)/ Mizutani Satoshi \(^o^)/
Life hands us some hard lessons sometimes.
A human being was killed by the state very early this morning.This human being killed 5 people including women and the one he died for killing was the one that handed him a helping hand.The man that this human being killed was my Brothers Dad.
I just hope that it brings my Brother and his family peace.
They have all prayed along with me that "things be fixed up in a good way for this human being."
It is my opinion that the Grand Fathers and Mothers finally answeed this prayer in a good way.

I have been and can still be the worlds worst when it come to bad language and like Uncle stated he does not use it around some people.I am the same way.I have been working on cleaning up my language to improve myself.It also helps when I get really Angry,because by not making the habit of it that I used to do I don't automatically use that language.
When I do anymore people usually sit up and take notice because it's becoming out of character for me.

Daniel I have used that Primal Scream for many Years and in Many Places!!
That scream has been the only thing between me and sanity at different times of my life.
Kowing and realizeing that I am very capable of taking human life in certain circumstances
makes me continually try to improve myself for myself's sake.
I used too not like what I saw in the mirror every morning.
That strnger I know so well has became tolerable for me the last years.We have a grudging admiration for one another.The most important thing is that at long last we have a solid Love for one another.
That alone allows me to at last Love others.
I am working on making this my last trip back.
I sure hope I succeed.
I am tired.


If you mix milk of magnesia with vodka and orange juice do you get a phillips screwdriver?

Khukuri FAQ

It is odd how things work out. As a teenager, I would occassionally see someone ( usually a minister in his 70's ) who just radiated love, acceptance, compassion, without looking down on you. What I would have given to have what they did.

Instead, I took a path that let me see the suffering of others, but tied my hands in taking more than minimal action to correct it. I couldn't take it. Everyone involved in child, spousal, or elderly abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation is a victim. One juvenile deputy raped his 13 year old daughter. I visited him in the state asylum for the criminally insane. I worked a case where another agency let parents who'd neglected an infant to death let them do the same to a second child 2 years later. Where a stepfather beat up a 12 year old for disgracing him by not performing with the ***** he set the kid up with. A 10 year old girl whose mom and dad brought them into bed between them. I strip searched a 6 week old baby in the embalming room of the mortuary.

So I started taking it home with me. A couple shots or glasses of wine, and then I could forget it. Then it took a little more and a bit more than that. Finally what it took to relieve the horror thru self medication was more painful than the horror. I left the job ( this was less burnout than cremation - some of you will understand ) and started to find a new way to be at peace with myself.

Now remember what I said about wanting so
much to have that radience of love, peace, acceptance? Well, I never got it. What's weird, though, is that the ones who *do* have it seem to seek me out to mentor them and to nurse them and help them heal enough to go out and fight the battle once more. Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran ( who's got my maccha ((fish)) khukri), Assembly, it doesn't matter. Maybe it has to do with my expectations for religious leaders.

Back when I worked on the Rez, out on a road out in the middle of nowhere, I had a mystic experience almost identical to one my Mandan brother I shared an office with had. The difference was, some weeks later, I spotted a minister's car pulled over at the same spot I had the experience. I was thinking something like "wow, this guy's really spiritual, something called him to pull over right there." Anyway, as I got closer, he turned around zipping up his pants. It was the call of nature he'd responded to.

Yvsa said that ( whatever is up there ) sure knows how to piss on a person. He ain't got a clue how true that is.

Maybe one day I'll tell what I wanted to do with my 48" hand-and-a-half Del Tin 2142 to the preacher that buried my uncle ( and how I happened to have the sword behind my truck seat at the cemetary ). But that's another story.

Anyway, I warned you it was getting deep
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