Jimislash has a new Competition Chopper

I can see some of the differences between the two knives. They are subtle, but identifiable. Many of the competition choppers look similar.

However, something is amiss here between Mike and GSM.

The two parties needs to figure this out as it's getting ugly.

Also, I am very happy to see we have a CS rep here finally. Many of us are CS fans and have spent and lot of time and money on these products for many years.

I really wish it was under better circumstances though.
I don’t believe it’s getting ugly. No one is being disrespectful, just dug in to their side. I contacted my former GSM supervisor (mentioned by Shaun) via email today with no response. I guess Shaun having a presence here is that response.
1-If this is true I stand corrected. Though it would seem a conflict of interest having the Blade Sports International helping Cold Steel in the design of a competition knife as this could prove unfair for other makers and companies. Unless maybe they are helping everyone? Why couldn’t Jimislash have stated this himself?

2.1- Drawing a knife on CAD doesn’t make a knife designer. A designer of a kitchen faucet may not make the best knife designer. Like me as a knife designer and maker may not be the best choice to design a lawnmower.

4- So me and roughly 95% of the people in this thread can’t see things as clearly as you? You insult me and the rest of the members here.

5-Jimi to make modifications? He has 1.8k videos as a knife reviewer without a single mention of his design and knife making credentials.
Yet now since he’s your YouTube guy he suddenly is a talented designer and maker?

He made all of the variations?
Never a video of his knife shop with him making knives?
If he’s a true expert why all the iterations, and several people helping him?
Ask any maker here how long it takes to perfect the craft. He’s not making pre production grade samples in less than a year.

This could have been easily cleared up by Jimislash himself. He can make an YouTube video saying “This is my knife” and have a Blade Magazine article yet can’t say a word here?
If me and the other three designers were a part of it why weren’t we given any credit?
Are the folks at Blade Sports given credit? Is credit being given to the several “competitors” for their efforts? YOU SAY ALL THESE PEOPLE WERE HELPING JIMISLASH MAKE IT HIS OWN? I would think he could make it his own by himself. Seems like a lot of people had their hand in this with only one person getting the credit. Why did he delete his comment about this being “his” design of it were true? Just more smoke and mirrors with zero proof.

I think enough has been said for people to form their own opinions at this point. We wish you the best on your future endeavors.
5-Jimi to make modifications? He has 1.8k videos as a knife reviewer without a single mention of his design and knife making credentials.
Yet now since he’s your YouTube guy he suddenly is a talented designer and maker?

He made all of the variations?
Never a video of his knife shop with him making knives?
If he’s a true expert why all the iterations, and several people helping him?
Ask any maker here how long it takes to perfect the craft. He’s not making pre production grade samples in less than a year.

This could have been easily cleared up by Jimislash himself. He can make an YouTube video saying “This is my knife” and have a Blade Magazine article yet can’t say a word here?
If me and the other three designers were a part of it why weren’t we given any credit?
Are the folks at Blade Sports given credit? Is credit being given to the several “competitors” for their efforts? YOU SAY ALL THESE PEOPLE WERE HELPING JIMISLASH MAKE IT HIS OWN? I would think he could make it his own by himself. Seems like a lot of people had their hand in this with only one person getting the credit. I never needed a “team” when designing for the old Cold Steel. I guess times are a changing. Why did he delete his comment about this being “his” design of it were true? Just more smoke and mirrors with zero proof.
I reckon this is like how Steve Austin "designed" the Broken Skull and the Working Man. I'm sure he had his input, but he can't manufacture a knife on his own. If I had to guess, Demko probably had a heavy hand in both, since he is the expert on the triad lock. Probably the same with the Foreman grill, Air Jordans, and countless other celebrity "designs."

Two key differences in this case: 1) you are unhappy with this arrangement, 2) Jimislash claimed it's "his" design in YouTube comments.

For #1, I can understand your frustration, but that's what you get when you decided to work with this company. For #2, that was just fear of exposure and hubris talking, and I think most of us recognize that. I wish you much success in the future, as this seems like a pretty cutthroat industry to make a living in.
I reckon this is like how Steve Austin "designed" the Broken Skull and the Working Man. I'm sure he had his input, but he can't manufacture a knife on his own. If I had to guess, Demko probably had a heavy hand in both, since he is the expert on the triad lock. Probably the same with the Foreman grill, Air Jordans, and countless other celebrity "designs."

Two key differences in this case: 1) you are unhappy with this arrangement, 2) Jimislash claimed it's "his" design in YouTube comments.

For #1, I can understand your frustration, but that's what you get when you decided to work with this company. For #2, that was just fear of exposure and hubris talking, and I think most of us recognize that. I wish you much success in the future, as this seems like a pretty cutthroat industry to make a living in.
I will say this. There are newer knives in the current CS lineup that I designed. I was told to make some “kick ass knives” and was given a theme to go from. I get no credit for them nor do I expect any. The difference is that no one else is given credit either.
A large and fiercely dedicated customer base begging almost daily for the barest modicum of customer service from Cold Steel such as the ability to purchase replacement screws or pocket clips…. Crickets from GSM.

A situation like this comes up… and there is an immediate corporate presence on the forum telling us that they “appreciate your support and business”.

Oof. As a Cold Steel super-user, this is depressing.
same to you!
I know we are polar opposites on this issue and I feel (and I’m sure many other do as well) there are still unresolved issues and unanswered questions. That being said I truly appreciate a GSM presence though I wish it was under better circumstances. Ever since the GSM acquisition of Cold Steel there has been virtually nothing from them here. There is a vast fan base here as well as volumes of Cold Steel history. Most fans feel forgotten since CS was sold. I would hope that maybe the silver lining in this is that someone from GSM will devote some time to this forum.
I wanted to post here many times (in response to questions and concerns) in the last two years but felt (while employed by GSM) it wasn’t my place to do so, and probably above my pay grade. After my separation from GSM I still felt that someone should be here, but again not my place to do so as ties were severed.
Can you tell us if you or another GSM person will be able to moderate here? I know the “roots” of the CS fan base would appreciate the attention and interaction.
I spent almost 1/3 of my life as a Cold Steel designer and want to see the legacy live on.
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I don’t believe it’s getting ugly. No one is being disrespectful, just dug in to their side. I contacted my former GSM supervisor (mentioned by Shaun) via email today with no response. I guess Shaun having a presence here is that response.
If he is who he says, then it should be easy enough to provide you with the names of the "other three designers" as well as some proof of their involvement.

The big picture here to me is that it's being billed as a JimiSlash design. It would have been far more appropriate to say this is the JimiSlash Chopper because he's representing the brand in competition. Requesting a few tweaks and then claiming credit for the whole design is scummy. That would be like me going to a Chevy dealership and ordering a Corvette but instead of stock options I change the rims and add some bumper stickers then claim I designed the Corvette. 🙄
I will say this. There are newer knives in the current CS lineup that I designed. I was told to make some “kick ass knives” and was given a theme to go from. I get no credit for them nor do I expect any. The difference is that no one else is given credit either.
I would really love to know which knives you had a hand in designing, and then find and buy used exmples that wont give new money to GSM 😂

I already gave them money with a couple of Code 4 knives, and yes, I did get the extra Lefty pocket clip. But I just bought used pre-GSM Master Tanto 3V. I also recently bought a used a Battle Ring II, but don't know if it was Pre-GSM. My San Mai Recon and a Kobun are likely post-GSM, as is my 6" kitchen knife. My very sharp CS Sword Cane is definitely pre-GSM, as is my CS neck knife, both having been bought over a decade ago. I think my brother's Spartan that I got when he passed in 2020 is pre-GSM, but not sure.

I didn't realize I own 10 Cold Steel knives, till just now.