Off Topic Snarks are friends, not food!

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"Snarks, Sparks! Gonna catch that roadrunner THIS time!", Wyle E. Coyote; Super Genious.

SoCal winter weather 2023 summary:-
"This is a test of the emergency, rain system. If this had been an actual rain event, you would have been instructed where to hide from the rain drops. This is only a test."
BWONK, BWONK, BWONK. "We now return you to your regularly scheduled drought."
Supposed to rain tomorrow. 70Β° Saturday, and 65Β° Sunday. Mid 40's at night. Not too dang bad. My kinda weather.
Thanks man. Really looking forward to getting away for a bit. My biggest fear, is sleeping. I still sleep sorta upright in a recliner.
Those are cool, but me thinks kinda hard to sleep on, haha.
I picked up an interesting tool . I have looked everywhere for my Gerber trowel and can't find it. So I decided to order another. The Gerber trowel was a modern rendering of the Japanese Hori hori, I ordered a real Hori hori. It has better edges than I expected, I was cleaning up an area it chopped through small stuff easily sawed through bigger stuff. And digs too
Will post some pix on the ol' IG if I can keep my poop in a group.
Multi car pile up on I-55 near me. Mom and I went for a ride earlier, and saw the dust storm:

Crappy phone pic, when we were about a mile from the interstate:

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