Off Topic Snarks are friends, not food!

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That duststorm and car pile-up was even on the news here!
I ran into a real Karen today. I got off work at 7:00 this morning came home took my wife to the grocery store. Come home so she could put that up. I slept an hour. My daughter's ex is being a pain grandkids involved so I had to go to the bank to withdraw money for a retainer for the lawyer. Got that done. Since I would have a bit of cash on me I put my Glock 20 on my belt. After the running was done I grilled burgers and then headed to my garden. I decided I needed a few things so I tucked my Hori Hori in my belt and headed to Lowe's. Found the stuff I wanted and headed for the garden center register. A middle age woman asked me why I felt I needed to carry a weapon like that , pointing to the Hori Hori . I'm tired and don't tolerate woke well. I told her #1 it's a traditional Japanese dirt knife a garden took (I had plants) #2 the weapon is my mind not an inanament peice of wood and steel #3 I don't carry a knife for defense ! I pulled up the left side of my shirt enough for her to see my G20 . Then told her to have a blessed day
I ran into a real Karen today. I got off work at 7:00 this morning came home took my wife to the grocery store. Come home so she could put that up. I slept an hour. My daughter's ex is being a pain grandkids involved so I had to go to the bank to withdraw money for a retainer for the lawyer. Got that done. Since I would have a bit of cash on me I put my Glock 20 on my belt. After the running was done I grilled burgers and then headed to my garden. I decided I needed a few things so I tucked my Hori Hori in my belt and headed to Lowe's. Found the stuff I wanted and headed for the garden center register. A middle age woman asked me why I felt I needed to carry a weapon like that , pointing to the Hori Hori . I'm tired and don't tolerate woke well. I told her #1 it's a traditional Japanese dirt knife a garden took (I had plants) #2 the weapon is my mind not an inanament peice of wood and steel #3 I don't carry a knife for defense ! I pulled up the left side of my shirt enough for her to see my G20 . Then told her to have a blessed day

Technically it's only a Karen if she asked to see the manager. ;)
Technically it's only a Karen if she asked to see the manager. ;)
She left in a hurry she may have went to find a manager. I am actually liking my Hori Hori. I washed it off and used it to flip hamburgers on the grill. Cut packaging open with it then used it to plant with.
She left in a hurry she may have went to find a manager. I am actually liking my Hori Hori. I washed it off and used it to flip hamburgers on the grill. Cut packaging open with it then used it to plant with.

Burger trowel!
It's not really a digger, but I've always been intrigued by the nata. Not enough to make one.... yet.
I ran into a real Karen today. I got off work at 7:00 this morning came home took my wife to the grocery store. Come home so she could put that up. I slept an hour. My daughter's ex is being a pain grandkids involved so I had to go to the bank to withdraw money for a retainer for the lawyer. Got that done. Since I would have a bit of cash on me I put my Glock 20 on my belt. After the running was done I grilled burgers and then headed to my garden. I decided I needed a few things so I tucked my Hori Hori in my belt and headed to Lowe's. Found the stuff I wanted and headed for the garden center register. A middle age woman asked me why I felt I needed to carry a weapon like that , pointing to the Hori Hori . I'm tired and don't tolerate woke well. I told her #1 it's a traditional Japanese dirt knife a garden took (I had plants) #2 the weapon is my mind not an inanament peice of wood and steel #3 I don't carry a knife for defense ! I pulled up the left side of my shirt enough for her to see my G20 . Then told her to have a blessed day
I'm a very firm believer in the 2nd amendment and our right to own and carry firearms and defend ourselves and our families.

That being said ... you're real lucky she didn't call the law. Showing your weapon that way can get you in a real mess. I highly recommend to avoid doing that no matter how much of a Karen someone's being or how bad of a day you're having. That could make a bad day a whole lot worse. It's just a bad look for folks who carry. If you really did that ... it was a poor decision.
Burger trowel!
It's not really a digger, but I've always been intrigued by the nata. Not enough to make one.... yet.
It's not a tool to dig a fox hole. But it is great for digging the hole to plant tomatoes plain edge side chops finger size woody stems with one stroke serrated side saws small stuff easily.
I'm a very firm believer in the 2nd amendment and our right to own and carry firearms and defend ourselves and our families.

That being said ... you're real lucky she didn't call the law. Showing your weapon that way can get you in a real mess. I highly recommend to avoid doing that no matter how much of a Karen someone's being or how bad of a day you're having. That could make a bad day a whole lot worse. It's just a bad look for folks who carry. If you really did that ... it was a bad decision.
We are an open carry state I was totally legal and I was just about to the register too
We are an open carry state I was totally legal
It's not even about the legality of the situation. Sometimes, and especially when you carry, you should take the high road. And especially if you carry you should always defuse a situation not aggravate it. It's just part of carrying responsibly.

And you might not think of it as illegal, but what you described falls into the definition of brandishing the courts might see it very differently. Just be careful, it's not worth the issues it could bring.
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I was polite and calm . Didn't raise my voice . Addressed her as Ma'am. And was completely legal
Hey, just trying to give a heads up on how the law might see it if the person pushed at all. But reguardless of legalities, it's a bad look for those of us who do carry to flash our weapon to a stranger.
Hey, just trying to give a heads up on how the law might see it if the person pushed at all. But reguardless of legalities, it's a bad look for those of us who do carry to flash our weapon to a stranger.
You are correct it was probably not the right way to handle it. I was tired , Sleepy pissed off because my daughter's ex who used to be a decent guy is causing issues. I got involved ( paying lawyer retainer fee) because my grandkids have been coming home crying because of treatment. . I had my G20 because I had $3K cash on me for a while. Woke Karen picked the wrong time to be a nosy b***h
I did stay legal and stay polite and calm
You are correct it was probably not the right way to handle it. I was tired , Sleepy pissed off because my daughter's ex who used to be a decent guy is causing issues. I got involved ( paying lawyer retainer fee) because my grandkids have been coming home crying because of treatment. . I had my G20 because I had $3K cash on me for a while. Woke Karen picked the wrong time to be a nosy b***h
I did stay legal and stay polite and calm
I'm sorry to hear your daughter is having to deal with that and it's gotta be hard on you too. Hopefully it gets settled soon. Hang in there and be the rock for her to hold onto and the soft place for her to land.
Saw something cool today video at Mariner Church. They ring the church bell 29 times in honor of the 29 men lost on the Edmund Fitzgerald. This week it rang 30times 29 for the men lost and another for the man who sung about them
Decent storm rolled through. Haven't heard if there's any tornadoes in the area yet. Tornado sirens were going off here in town. We did get some hail. Some about golf ball sized.

Just had more hail. Not as big this time, but still. I don't see any damage. Mostly knocked a bunch of leaves down, and a few twigs.
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