TiSpine LionSteel new knife 2013

There's only purple brother! I would love if they had a blue. Tear.

Apparently it is violet, which sounds like a purple'ish color to me. but going by the pics, it falls between blue and purple, maybe leaning more towards blue i think. Either way, I can't wait !!



Hey. I'm with you. It's awesome. I'm excited. Just didn't want you to get a purple folder in the mail. Not sure if its like the violet SR-1. I almost bought one because I thought it was blue. And then saw other pics and reviews and if really looked purple. So if the man can chime in and let us know what it's closer to. That would be great. Pictures can be deceiving. ;)
Man .... don't know about the rest of you .... but I keep looking up at my calendar .... anxiously waiting for the 17th to get here. Hope plans are still on track to start shipping the first batch of these beauties out on that date!!!
I really like the full size clip.That's one thing that put me off about the other one with that tiny clip.
Well...I just caved. I thought I needed some more pics to help me decide, but I guess I must have seen enough because I decided that I need to have this and just ordered me up a grey. I'm also really excited for this one!
+1 vote for PVD (DLC) version with black clip (Like PVD black SR1 titanium) and even better for PVD coated clip+handle with damascus blade!
Gianni! See its so hard to tell. The violet looks more blue to me. Is it closer to blue or the purple on the SR-1? If more blue I'd easily switch my order! Hmm Help. ;)
Gianni! See its so hard to tell. The violet looks more blue to me. Is it closer to blue or the purple on the SR-1? If more blue I'd easily switch my order! Hmm Help. ;)

Bright, reflective anodizing tends to be different shades at different angles.
There's no simple answer here.
You might try to find a way to make sure your monitor is accurately displaying colors.

Just buy it already! :)
Bright, reflective anodizing tends to be different shades at different angles.
There's no simple answer here.
You might try to find a way to make sure your monitor is accurately displaying colors.

Just buy it already! :)

Well, I have the gray reserved. Thinking about switching! What does your monitor show you? I'm on my iphone 5 with retina display. Looks blue with shades of violet. Hmm
Well, I have the gray reserved. Thinking about switching! What does your monitor show you? I'm on my iphone 5 with retina display. Looks blue with shades of violet. Hmm

It's subjective, but in the picture above I see the butt of the handle to be blue to light blue, then a little past half-way towards the pivot it turns to a purple-ish blue.
Just pre-ordered a gray one through BladeHQ before seeing the new picture that Gianni posted above.... and just when I couldn't imagine how an already-extraordinary design could get any better!

Really looking forward to this one. :)

And regarding the violet model.... the annodization is probably a solid color (done chemically), but refracts light at a different spectrum depending how the light hits it. It's a great looking color pared with polished titanium.