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My SS was very kind! Been meaning to try out maserin, and I love Hiroki Ohta's work. I have a great story about the guy he's an amazing person to interact with. The snacks will very likely be eaten by my wife, but if any are sour I will be getting them haha. I used some of the medium roast to make espresso yesterday and it turned out well :). Thanks for the presents and happy holidays to everyone! Sorry I didn't post anything sooner, I closed the shop for four days so the girls could all get home to family and was working on doing some renovations while the store is nicely empty.

Glad it finally arrived. USPS sure took their time. Hope you and your wife enjoyed. I think Mexico does candy, with a few exceptions, better than we do and my wife thought they might not be readily available.

I also hope the coffee was well received. I gambled a bit in sending you some from a new local roaster that I had little experience with.
Glad it finally arrived. USPS sure took their time. Hope you and your wife enjoyed. I think Mexico does candy, with a few exceptions, better than we do and my wife thought they might not be readily available.

I also hope the coffee was well received. I gambled a bit in sending you some from a new local roaster that I had little experience with.

Haha I’m sure John was just influencing things to build suspense! The coffee is solid. I’ll be playing more with it next week. I’m playing with the idea of doing a new recommendation system for coffee and networking across the US, but have to figure out my method before I finalize it. It’s be a fun thing to add to this thread too. You’d be correct that in northern MN (nearly Canadian here haha) we don’t have access to much Southwestern influence. My wife and I sure do enjoy it though! I appreciate the hell out of the gift my friend.
Glad you like the beans and blades Fullflat. That Uganda smelled soooo good when I bought it. I was just looking up the year end reviews and that AD15 did get a lot of praise. It’s a TANK. Very ingenuous locking mechanism. It’s so very simple but so well engineered. I hope you enjoy! This swap has been a blast! Count me in for the next round.
You definitely knocked it out of the park brother! Heavy duty blades & high quality beans :) I agree, it’s been a great time again, and already looking forward to the next
I was visiting my daughter for Christmas and there was an Ethiopian store down the street. I bought some green Yirgacheffe beans and roasted them myself. It took several tries to get it right...the first time was too dark, second time too light, but the third time was the charm. I think I didn't get the pan hot enough on the second try.

Freshly roasted coffee is something else! Damn, now I can't drink stale coffee! The very best coffee I can buy is no match for freshly roasted coffee.

The roast I settled on is what you are supposed to use with Kenyan coffee to retain the character of the beans. You stop the roast right at the beginning of the second crack. With the Ethiopian beans, the first crack was slow developing due to the extreme variations in bean sizes, but the second crack developed very rapidly.

I have ordered some green coffee beans from Amazon, and from now on, I'll roast my own.
Freshly roasted coffee is something else! Damn, now I can't drink stale coffee! The very best coffee I can buy is no match for freshly roasted coffee.

Welcome to the madness!!!:D

I won't go as far as saying the best you can buy from a roaster is no match, but home roasting did make me realize just how important freshness is when it comes to coffee. Anything that's been sitting around for months in a warehouse somewhere will definitely be subpar compared to freshly roasted.

What kind of pan are you using to roast? That seems like it would be the most challenging method to get an evenly roasted batch, especially with beans that are inconsistent in size.
What kind of pan are you using to roast? That seems like it would be the most challenging method to get an evenly roasted batch, especially with beans that are inconsistent in size.
Cast Iron Skillet at slightly higher than medium heat. I looked up some YouTube videos on home roasting and the one tip I learned that made a big difference was to use a whisk to stir the beans. I had been using a spatula, but the whisk works SOOOOO much better.
The next time around I'll be using more consistently sized beans. However, one advantage of using the inconsistently sized beans is that you end up with a blend of light and dark which adds complexity to the flavor.

I think I'm going to try it with a Cast Iron Dutch Oven when my new beans get here to cut down on the amount of runaway beans, LOL.
I thought it may have been one of the roasting pans they sell with the small opening on the top and a hole in the handle to pour out the beans.

This is a vid I recorded a while back of my air popper setup. I am using a different sifter now that works better. It is taller in height and has smaller holes where the handle rod goes through the body, which has all but eliminated runaway beans. It also doesn't jam up as much as the one in the video so it's easier to crank faster. The two things I like about this setup is that it blows off most of the chaff during the roasting process and it's easy to take off the heat source to finish the roast with the retained heat.

I remember coming across a small campfire roasting basket, but didn't end up buying it. I thought it would be interesting to roast some over a wood fire and see how that affects the flavors. Might still mess with that at some point.