just identifying issues now, that'll probably take a week or two to dial in, but the sheath is more or less done and I was expecting that to add more time. It didn't, so now it's just working things out on a micro level in the handle department. It's a little tricky because I didn't get it to the desired stock thickness, so I have to take into consideration the added girth and weight of the thicker stock I used. I'm thinking this knife might end up being somewhere around .16"

this proof of concept model balances at the index finger bay, and that's about exactly where I want it to be. So far it's proving itself to be pretty accurate, I really tried hard to make indexing the edge and point intuitive and easy to figure out quickly. I'll need to make a couple of changes before I get to documented testing, as some of the work I've done with it have exposed a couple of trouble spots that need fine tuned
Maybe you could process a whole pig or large bony cuts of meat with DEK1 for an epic barbecue this summer.
Congratulations Lorien on completing your goal of a working 3D model to send to the CPK team! Thanks for sharing the whole process with us from concept to prototype.

Now that the baton has officially been passed to Nathan, I look forward to seeing how he translates your handmade prototype into one of his precision production hard working tools.

Well done! No, very very well done!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
