Another way Im looking at the ratios is:

In brighter news…
It just hit the steps–and two days early!! :D
A fantastic specimen.

I was attempting to capture how awesome unbuffed double black is, and I still didnt do it justice.
Its like matte black–FAAANtastic. Still not quite my beloved terotuf, but damn its good. Guess I'll be attending the friday preorder so I can do a fair comparison : ]



I'm excited for this pre-order. I'm curious. People who have one (or anyone with an opinion lol), what are your thoughts about putting a swedge on the DEK1? Is it necessary? Will it significantly alter the hand feel of using the DEK1? I'm asking because I'm sure Lorien would have put one in its final design if he thought it was necessary but he didn't. Just curious to hear people's thoughts.
I'm excited for this pre-order. I'm curious. People who have one (or anyone with an opinion lol), what are your thoughts about putting a swedge on the DEK1? Is it necessary? Will it significantly alter the hand feel of using the DEK1? I'm asking because I'm sure Lorien would have put one in its final design if he thought it was necessary but he didn't. Just curious to hear people's thoughts.

I intend to order one in each steel with a swedge on both. My internal debate is on alternative finishes.
I like a swedge because the spine of the knife rides around the inside of a tube with less bumping (and therefor less gouging) when using the knife to deburr a hole or tube because the swedge offers a wider surface that can ride across little bumps rather than a corner. This is pretty specialized and doesn't apply to most folks. Other people like a swedge because it allows the knife to penetrate more deeply or with less effort when used for piercing. A long or thick blade (which this isn't) will see a meaningful reduction in tip weight which can be particularly significant on a thick knife with a wide primary grind like you might see on a high strength tactical knife with a reinforced point. I don't think most people really need a swedge for this knife but I'm offering one. It's an expensive option because I'll either have to hand grind them or tool up for a small run of them. People want them and it's not a detriment to the knife but I don't particularly recommend one unless you just really like swedges.
a swedge on DEK1 is purely an aesthetic option. The knife will stab and pierce well because of the overall design. I am unconvinced a swedge produces any meaningful utility upgrade. A swedge will look cool, and if you like paying extra for things that look cool then I guess it's for you but if you want the kind of knife that DEK1 is intended to be, as is will work just fine for you