From the arcane world of knifemaking...

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Not only did I address the quote, but I asked questions that are awaiting a response. Some others have addressed it as well. I'm not sure why it is that you get to expect your quote to be addressed when you won't address the questions asked.

While I'm sure it will outperform something, I have serious doubts that it will outperform just about any store bought knife, let alone most custom knives, even the ones with serious heat treating flaws.

Only one way to prove it performs, however, and that's to put up or shut up. If someone here is willing to make a similar pattern knife with their arcane ways, are you willing to designate a third party to test them side by side?
It's not about the knife, silly;-) Why do so many get so offended when I make a simple little knife from a sawzall blade almost without thinking about it - I am sorry it was so simple. Some people work hard at doing simple things - I am not one of them. see:

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Sorry I have been remiss in keeping up with this forum. I am on my way back from a motorcycle trip to Big Bend - no internet out there (what a great place)! I am still waiting for someone to address what I posted previously: "Thank you for your comments. I think we all know that what a knife is made of is of little importance compared to the hand that holds it. There are a few guys that can do almost anything with a sharp stick and an entire herd of guys who have trouble sharpening a pencil with the finest knife ever made;-)"

I did not think my post was that provocative but I was wrong. My not so humble opinions offended many of you and that was not my intention. My intention was to demonstrate how easy it is to make a knife. Not the best knife but a knife that will work and perform better than many expensive and complex knives - I achieved my objective.

Thank you all for your comments, doubts, criticism and discussion. Keep it rolling!

ps The Baby Chisos in the picture was made (easily) from the sawzall blade in the photograph. The only photoshopping of my photographs is the Bush Monkey mark on the blade, which is laser engraved and does not photograph well (for some reason).

There's only so much lipstick you can put on a pig.

Not only did I address the quote, but I asked questions that are awaiting a response. Some others have addressed it as well. I'm not sure why it is that you get to expect your quote to be addressed when you won't address the questions asked.

While I'm sure it will outperform something, I have serious doubts that it will outperform just about any store bought knife, let alone most custom knives, even the ones with serious heat treating flaws.

Only one way to prove it performs, however, and that's to put up or shut up. If someone here is willing to make a similar pattern knife with their arcane ways, are you willing to designate a third party to test them side by side?

Thats exactly what I've been waiting on. Now Mr. Bush Monkey, What ya gonna do?
It's not about the knife, silly;-) Why do so many get so offended when I make a simple little knife from a sawzall blade almost without thinking about it - I am sorry it was so simple. Some people work hard at doing simple things - I am not one of them. see:

First off, it is about the knife. You asserted that your sawzall blade knife was a top performer. Which we as knifemakers seem to doubt... so we began asking questions and so far, you are doing a rotten job at answering them. Personally, I need to see more progress pics than the one in your gallery if I am to believe you made this knife. The pics don't measure out to me.

Your site is packed full of hype. That doesn't sit well with most makers on this website. Unless you are going to be sincere with us and have a normal conversation I suggest posting you wares in another subforum.

We don't care if you make kit knives and sawzall steel blades. Just be respectful and more importantly, be yourself.

Not the best knife but a knife that will work and perform better than many expensive and complex knives - I achieved my objective.

We would all be interested in reviewing your test data and the accompanying documentation that this conclusion is based upon.
Have you tried making knives from sheet metal studs? They are even simpler than saws-all blades, and come with a better protective coating. Oh, they're cheaper too.
I just want to know how you made a knife wider than the usable part of the sawzall blade from a sawzall blade.


Arcane Magic?
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No one is offended that you made a knife from a sawzall blade. They are offended because you came to a knife forum and said it was better than the knives made by people here and from all over the knifemaking community. If you really think that they will outperform a more expensive and more "complicated" knife, you understand less about knife performance than you do about the Einstien quotes you use.

The design of the finished knives is nice, and the prices are refreshingly low, but they're not anything new. They're no simpler than any other bushcraft blade made all over the world. I can get 6 Mora knives for the price of one of your sawzall knives, and I'm certain they will all hold a better edge, resist rust, be stronger, and take a sharper edge easier. The only possible advantage your knife might have is in bending multiple times without breaking, but there is already a maker here that has a corner on that market.

Your posts contain contradictions (no one can make a 13" knife from a sawzall blade, yet making them is so simple), fallacies (knifemaking is arcane), and hypocracy (using arcane as a negative description, yet resorting to the same sorts of things, like high alloy steels and cryogenic treatment). If I misunderstood what you are trying to say, well...perhaps you should respond to questions with something other than vague descriptions of your procedure, repeat posts, bad quotes, and unsubstantiated performance claims.

I will compliment you on your skill. If you can go and do all you claim with your only knife a 2" blade made from a sawzall, your a much better man than I. I will also agree that knives are simple. They were made of much simpler things than a lazer welded, bi-metallic, electrically powered saw blade for thousands of years and worked fine. Despite my rant above, the only reason you're getting any flak from anyone is your approach.
I am trying to get as many opinions on the subject I posted as possible. The simplest way to do that is to post it multiple times. Different people read different forums and form different opinions. Since I seek different opinions, I post on different forums. Thank you for your opinion.

My opinion is that many here seek straight answers from you as well Carnac.

In this instance, a spine shot of the knife pictured... and is this a chisel (one-sided) or a "V" ground cutting edge?
No one is offended that you made a knife from a sawzall blade.

I agree, me2. I don't care what a person makes a knife out of; there are many ways to skin a cat. Personally, I make it my policy to be 100% up-front about the materials and techniques I use.

I will add that I take personal offense to my intelligence being insulted with cheap photo tricks, empty bravado and non-answers.

I do not take kindly to charlatans, and I do not suffer fools gladly. The makers, fans and mods who make this forum great have taught me an awful lot; not just about appreciating and making knives but about basic business sense and common courtesy.

Bush Monkey, put your product where your hype is. I will happily send one of my knives at no cost to a neutral party we agree on, if you will do the same. You choose the general size and style of knife, I make several. Let the neutral party examine both. I won't even insist that you disclose your materials or procedures, although I am always eager to do so.

EDIT: Mods, if my language or tone here is too harsh, I apologize. It is certainly not my intent to start trouble.
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Hey BMK, normally I wouldn't have said anything, but I recognize your knives etc. from pictures on another forum, and there you seem like a pretty decent person. So hear me out.

The people here for the most part vary in different ways; However many of them have been here for a long time, and some of them also talk outside the forums (I lurk a lot!), and they know a lot about knives, and photo shop (and some are REALLY good with it).

The other thing is these guys have nice collections, and spend LOTS of money, and time on their craft, hobby, passion, etc. (knives)

There are several makers/companies on here that from what I have gathered do well.

I would also be willing to bet that more than a couple of them, sooner or later would have ordered one of those, just to try it out. and if they liked it, you'll get more orders.

So unless you have some sort of secret you don't want to get out; I would just suggest that you be straight forward, and be yourself. Just like Rick said.

Just a neutral party making observations.

Have a good day, everyone.
First off, it is about the knife. You asserted that your sawzall blade knife was a top performer. Which we as knifemakers seem to doubt... so we began asking questions and so far, you are doing a rotten job at answering them. Personally, I need to see more progress pics than the one in your gallery if I am to believe you made this knife. The pics don't measure out to me.

Your site is packed full of hype. That doesn't sit well with most makers on this website. Unless you are going to be sincere with us and have a normal conversation I suggest posting you wares in another subforum.

We don't care if you make kit knives and sawzall steel blades. Just be respectful and more importantly, be yourself.


I agree completely.
It's not about the knife, silly;-) Why do so many get so offended when I make a simple little knife from a sawzall blade almost without thinking about it - I am sorry it was so simple. Some people work hard at doing simple things - I am not one of them. see:


That knife did not come from a sawzall blade. If it did, I wouldn't want it, but if you can prove it, I will buy it. Put up or shut up.
That knife did not come from a sawzall blade. If it did, I wouldn't want it, but if you can prove it, I will buy it. Put up or shut up.

Did you see this picture?


This is the only knife that he actually MAKES. The others are blanks, purchased, more than likely, from Jantz since he offers them in the steels that Jantz has begun to offer.
so..he cut the hardest part of the blade, the teeth off . Pretty funny, and sad.

Almost too much sizzle and no steak. kinda like throwing water in a hot skillet:rolleyes:
Well it looks like I might be buying a donkey, I mean monkey. I still need a little more convincing, however.
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