Got my very first Spyderco. :] Your newest?

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Congrats on a great knife, and I love your enthusiasm.

Years ago, after a dinner date at Mannie & Bo's Pizzeria, my girlfriend (now wife) and I walked across the street to they Spyderco factory store and did some shopping, getting our first Spydercos.

Years later, the Spyderco store has moved, and so have we. However, my wife carries either her Delica 4 in purple, her Dragonfly 2 Tattoo, or her Ladybug (also purple) every day. Her favorite is definitely the Delica.
For the past year, I've been sporting a Bradford Guardian 3 most days, but when I can't carry a fixed blade I have a Manix 2 and a Persistence that find their way into my pocket. When I wear dress clothes, my stainless scaled Kiwi4 is in my pocket. My most recent Spyderco purchase was made off the trading post here, and is an original Street Beat (slightly used). I like the knife, but may be getting a leather sheath for it as the kydex one rides oddly on my belt.



Edit: fixed bad grammar.
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My most recent. Amazing.


Here's a Gen 1 Delica that's still good to go.

@wazu013 , since you showed me your’s, I get to show you mine (and my first, incidentally).


Welcome back, Sparlkes. ^_~ :thumbsup:
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This Spyderco Ladybug recently replaced my other keychain knife. This little thing is built very well. Love VG10 steel too. Spyderco is definitely not overrated.
Sorry, I don't have any pictures at the moment. I now own 6 Spydercos and the last 3 listed are in the mail to me.

- Spyderco Military S110V, with Black Bear Custom Kydex Auto Deploy Sheath
- Spyderco Bob Lum Darn Dao (Limited Edition, 1 of 1200) 10.63 inch CPM-154 Satin Plain Blade, Black G10 Handles
- Spyderco Yojimbo 2 Folding Knife, S30V, Satin Plain Blade, Black G10 Handles
- Spyderco Yojimbo 2 Folding Knife, Carbon Fiber, 20CV
- Spyderco Stuart Ackerman Sustain, 20CV, Black G-10
- Spyderco Native 5 Lightweight Folding Knife 2.95" Maxamet Satin Plain Blade, Gray FRN Handles
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I believe she sold the delica in the exchange since. That was fast lol.
That was fast and the Delica is a great knife! She's beginning to take after a few other folks here that buy a knife and sell it within a very short time. Then they whine about selling it because it was a great knife. The Delica is a keeper as far as I'm concerned. But I have to admit that I don't use my Delica anymore as it has been replaced several times over.
It's my dad's favorite knife. The delica. He had a original model when they first released. Going to have to gift him one. I gave him a cold steel voyager. He prefers spyderco while I prefer cold steel. The delica and endura seem to be universal users.
The Shaman has almost perfect ergos for me. I just can’t get past the leaf blade shape
Broken record here : Perfect ergos are few and far between for me; sounds like a keeper; . . . grind it (get it reshaped).
? :thumbsup: :thumbsdown:
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Some photos of my very first Spyderco: A Delica with Ghost Jade g10 scales. I am very proud,


Oh way to go !
Thanks for posting it; I had never seen one of those before (i'm a little sheltered).

What's your newest Spyderco? I'd love to see them!! :]
You know you shouldn't encourage me this way; no telling what Franken knife I might subject you to.
With all this talk of the Gayle Bradley 2 and I have been noticing and thinking about the following . . . I figured why not :
My newest Spyderco and newest knife is the Pattada (it has some "weird" steel called N690Co). The knife is made in Maniago Italy ! The steel (which turns out to be wonderful) is made in Austria !

I have been thinking about how it is kind of a long / skinny Gayle Bradley 1.
I took the clip off the Pattada and it totally changed the way it fits my hand; much better. The clip is fine for me on the Gayle Bradley so that one stays.

Removing the clip means the Pattada gets carried in a pouch (clips on to pants even if no belt). This is my normal MO with many other folders from the Griptillian to my Cold Steel Ti Lite IV so no big deal. I'm super into how a knife performs in use, talking grip / ergos here (looks hardly come into it for me and if it looks good to that is icing on the cake ((sick huh ?))) .
So without further a due . . . .

I usually carry a GB2 since retiring my trusty stretch,but I found a LNIB GB1 that I’m very excited about. It should be on the way Wednesday.
I gave him a cold steel voyager.
Built like nothing else. You must like him alright; shame some people don't see the minutia like we do. But then tha's what makes us . . . " " " special " " " :rolleyes:

Do you have any Cold Steel yet ?
Do what you have to do to get a Voyager : 6061 heat treated liners (super light super strong), BD-1 steel (some of Sal's favorite), bronze bushings, fatish / rounded handle but light (like the Shaman). One of the BEST folders EVER !

(sorry for the detour from Syderco . . . some times I get all excited and can't restrain myself):eek: :cool:
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