New Kershaw slipjoints

Saw that same Kershaw at the New Bern Gun Show last weekend. I should have picked it up and looked it over, but I was drawn in by some old Case Knives the dealer had and I forgot all about the Kershaw. OH
I'm afraid that single-blader is just too cool to not have. I like the flamboyant blade shape.
I really don't care about the jimping either way. I'm much more put off by notches filed in backsprings.
After using the Culpepper in 7Cr... steel, I have grown to liking it. Based on my experience, heat treat determines the actual properties of the blade, and in this scenario Kershaw has done a excellent job. The knife is easy to sharpen, holds decent edge, and I am not afraid to take it out of my pocket. It is slightly longer than I prefer, and in general for other barlow-style knives, but is an excellent slicer and a great daily carry knife. For the price, it should be an excellent introduction to slipjoints. Overall I am very pleased with it.