I simply do not believe the "Commander" is getting any type of note, correspondence, or letter. There would have been some kind of response from him, from a simple acknowledgement of reciept, all the way to the "you are full of Liver Pate', my boy Ollie Bean is one honest copper"
The fact that no response whatsoever has been recieved leads me to believe the whole "here is the Commander info" is also part of the scam. If someone hand delivered the letter I bet there would be some form of direct contact UNLESS Olliver's wife is his Commander!!!. Of course they both lack balls enough to just admit they are scumbags and pay up which leads me to believe the commander crap is just that; crap. Until then, Olliver and his criminal, scamming wife continue to engage in criminal conduct and get over on all they wish to scam.
Bump to the top ollie bag.
Edited because it was wrong to call Ollie's wife other than what she is, a co-conspirator.
the true slut remains oliver Plomion...........