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My own personal Behemoth and perhaps my favorite knife. I love this knife. And I have beat the hell out of it and it just keeps asking for more. And the sheath by Grog. A great pair that have held up to me and keep asking for more.

This is the only knife that I have ever been able to five hit a two-by-four with.
If I owned this combo I would be buried with it. My kids would be upset, but descendants further on would have to conclude I was a king.
Today’s hike!


I did not carve this tree - it’s called an arbutus and it naturally sheds it bark like this. ;)

It is archery season and I recently returned from a week long hunting trip. I did not fill my tags unfortunately but I had a lot of terrific close encounters with all sorts of critters, including my intended targets. Not to worry though, still plenty of season left.

My chosen belt knife was the FK2/UFK. I really can't think of a more perfect knife to accompany me.


The only dead elk I got to experience was one that had expired long ago. I was surprised to find the skull nearby. I brought the jawbone home to do some carving on eventually.

