Show off your GEC Acrylics

I really like the Tomato.:thumbsup: It's hard to capture, in a photo, how much depth some of these acrylics have.

Dead Skunk 14
Yessir, Kryptonite, Shark Attack, and Mardi Gras..

You know, it's funny. The only made 18 of the Ben Hogans in Kryptonite, and within 45 minutes of posting a a certain FB group I was looking for some GEC acrylics, I was offered TWO of them.

Nice pickups, I need to find that facebook group, these Kryptonites being posted are killer looking!
This thread is converting me into a acrylic lover. I only have one (so far, post #158).

They really seem to grow on you.
At first, I didn't think much of the acryics. Then one day a #78 popped up on the exchange (the one in the photo above) and I took the leap :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Been seriously hooked ever since. Acrylics aren't always the most traditional looking but the aesthetics are highly pleasing due to the colors, depth and personality they can convey.