Warrior how is the recovery going?

There has been 1 case recorded in the US of someone being reinfected 5 world wide your chances of getting it again are very very miniscule
Well, with my crap luck I will probably be number 6, haha.
Thanks man.

The chest and heart x-rays are freaking me out some. Hoping for the best.
Hopefully that is just a precaution, to make sure you're on the mend.
I was telling the doctor that I had a problem with "rales". I've had it well over a year, I'm sure. It's where your breath sounds raspy when you breathe, especially when you're laying down. There's heart/lung problems associated with that, so he wants to check it out. We were going to do the lungs anyway, because of the hypoxia pneumonia, to give the doc more of an idea where I'm at in the healing process.
What I could taste of it, haha. Still don't have the taste and smell back yet, but I can taste some things more than others.

Glad you're getting better.

If you're looking for a "positive" side to loosing your sense of taste (although there is no real positive), you'll probably tend to eat less and loose weight.

My brother lost 90% of his sense of taste after a dental procedure about 5 years ago and subsequently lost 40+ pounds simply because he eats less. Compared to his old self, he looks like a skinny, scrawny rat. He needed to loose the weight (just like I still do) but after seeing him blimped up for 20 years, he really looks strange to me even after a couple of years. I still expect to see a 200+# fat man and then I see a 150# drowned rat when he gets out of his truck.
Thanks man.

I lost 25lbs when I first got sick, but gained most of it back. I can smell some things, yet not taste them. Some things I can taste, and not smell. Some things I can both taste and smell, (especially orange juice) and some things I can neither taste or smell.
I caught something last February that gave me, among other things, that rasping sound while in bed breathing. My cough was so bad I felt like I had been beaten with a bat in lower chest for a couple of weeks after the cough finally went away. Soreness and fever were also symptoms.

I never got checked for Covid, because they didn't have antibody tests or good tests at all, and I was trying to stay away from all medical facilities because If what I had wasn't Covid, I certainly didn't want to catch it while being looked at by the doctor.

This was before everyone knew about the lack of taste and smell symptoms, so I didn't know what the hell was going on with my taste buds.

Anyway, to this day, alcohol does not taste the same. Bourbon doesn't taste as good, beer and red wine taste bad. Whatever I had seemed to have ruined my taste buds for alcohol, long term.

As I said before in the locked thread, I hope you get better soon, and are able to get back to your cabin and all the normal routines that you had before all this. Take care of yourself and get well quickly!
Hope you get fully recovered sooner than later.

My wife lost her taste and smell form this china virus. She can taste some things but other things not. I will say that losing her taste did not make her eat less, she said it made her eat more. lol

There is also some videos saying that eating burnt oranges or something like that will bring it back. Although, she has not tried it yet, been meaning to.
Oranges are definitely the thing I can smell and taste best. I mean, like I would normally. Oranges, orange juice, orange candy, etc. Full flavor. I can't taste chocolate, which sucks, yet I can smell it just fine. Crazy shit.
Gotta go in today, after the wife gets home from work, to get my x-rays done.
Thanks man.
Have you tried beer yet, even just a taste? If your taste for bitter is gone, it would probably be awful. And a good cautionary tale to those who aren't taking covid seriously!

Good luck tomorrow!
Thanks guys.
Just got back from getting my lungs x-rayed. They didn't do an EKG like I thought the doctor said.