Which knife industry person/people would you like to have a beer with?

Horsewright Horsewright . Stories, skill, leather, knives, and cowgirls. It would all just be awesome.

Dave Ferry because I always wanted to be a cowboy, Lynn Thompson because he likes firearms and knives, Chip Valtakis because he seems like a cool guy.

Come on over to the rancho guys, the beer is cold. Working on a batch of knives:


We can do some leatherwork too:


I ever tell ya about the time at one of our brandings..........................



And then.................................
Surfingringo aka Lance Clinton

It would be amazing to sit down and talk knives and fishing, maybe even get out on the water with him.

I agree. Sal and Eric Glesser, Alan Davis, Jerry Fisk, and as previously mentioned, the late, great, CMFTW.

There are a lot of members here I would like to meet as well.
Guys from DBK (Dutch Bushcraft Knives on YouTube)
and definitely, the guy that runs the "stwrn" brand, never met such an educated person in many ways
So many good folk in the knife industry.
Some R.I.P.
Jerry Busse
Daniel Winkler
Chris Reeve
Phill Hartsfield

I personally think it'd be a freaking gas if all the people from General Discussion were gathered in one large bar or gathering area.
Same discussion groups too and your EDC is your ticket/ pass code to get inside. NO KNIFE NO ENTRY
Come on over to the rancho guys, the beer is cold.
I'd be happy to drink your beer, I could even bring some along! Fair warning, I'm not a cowboy, just cowboy adjacent; the last time I was on a horse was to get my horsemanship merit badge nearly 30 years ago...

One of these days I'll submit my order for a sheep horn Gordo in AEB-L with horizontal sheath. I like your style mister!
Chris Reeve, I'm dying to get his personal thoughts on the change from carbidized titanium lockbar to ceramic ball!
Whoever's buying...

*(if they buy the beer, I'm sure I'll even buy one of their knives when I'm all nice and toasty)...