Your own physical reaction to having had the vaccine shots

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Just saw this thread. I wasn't eager to get the vaccine, but had to travel for work last spring to 2 different states so I figured the benefits outweighed the risks.

Had the 2 Pfizer shots. Sore arm, felt a little dazed is the best way to describe it, but slept really hard both times and had very vivid dreams, similar to what some experience if you take melatonin. I did feel as though I had some joint pain but it was not too bad. Both times I got the shot I had a line on some good firewood, so the next day I made myself go load firewood and worked the soreness right out of the arm.
Having fully vaccinated with Moderna in March, my wife took her half-dose Moderna booster shot Monday evening at Walgreens — the soonest she could get it, and a better experience than Evanston Hospital in every way. The day following her first, she'd had a low fever, body aches and general malaise which lasted that day only. She had no reaction to the second vaccination, but she reacted to the booster just like the first. No soreness at the injection site because she's an old pro and completely relaxed her shoulder for the intramuscular injection.
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I have had two doses of Pfizer, a flu shot, and a Pfizer booster. No serious issues. Just a little muscle discomfort. Which is to be expected when a hole is made in me. And a foreign substance is introduced.
I hate being the one to tell you this, but a foreign substance is introduced to your body whenever you eat and drink. And you can save yourself some grief from intramuscular injections by relaxing your arm and shoulder completely, as in going limp. I learned the hard way. I was desensitized to environmental allergens in the early 1950s, before there were such things as albuterol inhalers. We started with 16 injections weekly, eight in each arm, and that went on for over a year. It really does help to relax. I close my eyes.
I hate being the one to tell you this, but a foreign substance is introduced to your body whenever you eat and drink. And you can save yourself some grief from intramuscular injections by relaxing your arm and shoulder completely, as in going limp. I learned the hard way. I was desensitized to environmental allergens in the early 1950s, before there were such things as albuterol inhalers. We started with 16 injections weekly, eight in each arm, and that went on for over a year. It really does help to relax. I close my eyes.
Banned from thread.
You have stated your reaction. You do not need to comment on everyone else's.
Two shots of sofar. Slightly sore arm both times for day or two when lifting the arm. Nothing else, no fever, no weird feelings etc.
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Wife and I both got our Pfizer booster last Thursday. Felt a little flushed after about two minutes, but that faded after a couple more. Other than that, neither of us had any noticeable reaction. A friend at work and his wife both got theirs the same day, He woke up extremely tired the next day, also had a low grade fever and missed work. She was fine.
Just got the Moderna booster this past Saturday. The nurse told me that it was half a dose (of the original shots). I felt OK that day, but woke up on Sunday sore/achy and lethargic. Spent the day that way and went to bed early. Woke up the next morning felling fine.
I had my Pfizer booster and almost immediately I felt incredibly virtuous and an irrestible urge to watch CNN.... :p

Early reports say the booster is necessary for the omicron variant.
The vaccines will have to be tweaked and then we'll go back to square 1.

There must be better solutions than this.
Oh, oh, my sainthood is being revoked.....
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Got the Moderna booster round 11:30am. The following day round 9:30am, slight feverish feeling, very sore arm & tired. Probably compounded due to me thinking I could ride it out at work. Wasn't the best plan.
Got the Moderna booster round 11:30am. The following day round 9:30am, slight feverish feeling, very sore arm & tired. Probably compounded due to me thinking I could ride it out at work. Wasn't the best plan.
They say if you feel lousy it's a good thing because that means your immune system is responding.
They say lots of stuff, and I believe all of it.
They say if you feel lousy it's a good thing because that means your immune system is responding.
Heard that too. Just didn't think the booster was going to be worst than the 2nd shot.
Got my third one. Booster from Moderna. Two Pfizers and the third was Moderna. Two mRNA vaccins. Felt no side effects apart from a tender spot on my arm at the injection site. Also got the flu vaccin simultaneous in the other arm ( i work with high risk patiënts in a hospital). No interference whatsoever. Just one night of lesser sleep due to tender spots on both arms. In our hospital vaccination of staff is at 97%. Small price to pay to keep ourselves and our patients as protected as possible (apart from basic hygiënic things like desinfection of your hands, wearing your masks, desinfecting surfaces, etc). But we are getting tired.
Please respond to the question in the title only. This thread is a slippery slope. If it continues to slip, the thread will be shut down.
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