YOWZA!!!! . . . . "Operation 2 Weeks" . . . Battle Grade Active Duty!!!!!

Looks to me like its based on the Elmax Duty more so than the original Active Duty

Sure does . . .


Great looking knife! :)
Whew, another one I don't feel the need to buy.
Thanks for sparing my wallet and bank account for a little longer Jerry.
Still saving for the retun of the BARF
You're killin' me Boss Man......you're God Damn killin' me!!!!!! :eek:

Let's see.....

Pay bills...Buy Busse knives....Pay bills...Buy Busse knives....Pay bills...Buy Busse knives...

Aw hell, I'll just eat Ramen noodles....screw all that nutrition nonsense.

Can't wait!!
Woo Hoo another awesome knife .

looks a lot like the old one but coated

Jerry's onto a winning combination here matching trademark Busse Combat designs with Swamp Rat steel. Hell I'm not even into fixed-blades anymore and I may not be able to resist picking up some of these Battle Grades. And I really think those who are saying they're not interested in these Battle Grade Active Duties are missing the boat. SR101 is just a fantastic steel for small- to medium-sized knives. I like it every bit as much as INFI in smaller sizes like the Active Duty. Anybody that thinks SR101 can't keep up needs to take a look at this:


That's what I call . . . YOWZA!!!
I really do hope this has the profile of the INFI AD and not the Elmax AD, as I prefer the older one MUCH more.
I fear every new knife will just be battle grade. Hope Jerry has some new INFI coming too. It's humid here and rust is just not acceptable.I prefer bare metal all the way, every knife but my regulator.... Not to be a downer...just gotta be honest
:thumbup: I'd opt for the G10 if available... love it on my hell razor.
I'm in for two, hopefully Jerry will not think to come back out with a Combat SHMB (PLEASE)!