.45 cal pirate pistol/folder

Bruce, I haven't made a barrel either. The old man was a concrete contractor in Eastern Montana and winters were real slow and that's when he did stuff like that. He was actually my step father and a very interesting man. Only had a 8th grade education but, was very self educated. He made each of us boys a sporterist Enfield and gave us each a mussel loader. Hunting and fishing trips and lots of shooting. He even taught us how to blow stuff up. He taught me a lot, and set a great example and I owe him a lot. Unfortunately a brain anuerism took him away from us right as he was retiring.
Bruce, I haven't made a barrel either. The old man was a concrete contractor in Eastern Montana and winters were real slow and that's when he did stuff like that. He was actually my step father and a very interesting man. Only had a 8th grade education but, was very self educated. He made each of us boys a sporterist Enfield and gave us each a mussel loader. Hunting and fishing trips and lots of shooting. He even taught us how to blow stuff up. He taught me a lot, and set a great example and I owe him a lot. Unfortunately a brain anuerism took him away from us right as he was retiring.

I look up to men like him Jim. They have so much common sense and can get by in the worst of times. My dad was much that way too. He didnt have a high school education and joined the Marines when he was 17, came back a hero and became an electrition for most of his life. He bought us boys 22 rifles and turned us loose in the woods out behind our place. We used to shoot rabbits and cook em on an open fire at lunch time. Mom never worried as long as we came in before dark. I miss the simple life allot. Things are too complicated now. We blew up stuff too especially around the 4th of July. Firecrackers were all legal at that time. I almost blew off my thumb and index finger one year because of a fast fuse. We went fishing with an M80 one year. Ahhh the memories.
I love the way the top grind gives the blade that real swoopy, cutlass-y look. I may steal that trick if you don't mind. :D
I think I've ironed out some wrinkles in the lock. Its not easy inventing my own blade lock as I cant use anything modern like a liner lock on this one. The spring tension is critical because it cant be too strong or the drag will over power the assisted opener spring but it needs to be strong enough to move the lever into the blade tang with enough engagement to snap and seat into place or there is slack in the locked position. Anyway after a couple days of fussing around with it I think it works good now and looks old. Every thing mounts and moves on a phosphorus bronze shim plate.



Oh and I made the blade stop/thumb bob too and ordered a 5mm emerald for it.
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Damn!!! BB, you are allot smarter than you look. HEHEHEHEHE!!
Kidding aside, you are one smart MF.:eek::D;)
I have to agree with IG on this one. I've really enjoyed your last few projects but this thing is great! I'm paraphrasing but, "I had to invent my own blade lock system, no big deal." Who does that?! Bruce Bump is who! :D
That lock looks more modern than a liner lock! Nice work, Bruce! I look forward to more pictures.
Bruce I look at that stuff and I just marvel, shake my head and smile with such satisfaction you can't imagine. Wow. You are special.
Bruce I look at that stuff and I just marvel, shake my head and smile with such satisfaction you can't imagine. Wow. You are special.

I am special. I even had special education and got to ride the short bus to school. :)

Thanks guys for the head swelling. You too IG I think. What does MF stand for?:confused:
Bruce, your work is amazing. I am impressed by the way you approach and work thru the mechanical design. One day I am going to go for it on something like this. If it even functions I would be happy. I know it would never ever look like your finished product. Keep it up. Jim