Alone Season 2

Now, I'm confident David won this contest as both Jose and Larry are showing strong signs of tapping out. I'm just surprise Nicole and many other contestants do not know the basics of fishing with lines and hooks. Anyways, I'm calling it, pict won the contest. Congrats! :D
Sad to see Nicole leave. She has most definitely earned my respect though. That's a strong and smart woman right there.

Its all about pure mental grit now. Whoever can bare down and grind out these last remaining days. Man with the most mettle wins. My money is on Larry but will be happy to see any one of those three guys leave with 500k in the bank.
I visited her site briefly and it was sad to see that she has broken up with her "significant other". No hint whether or not her absence had anything to do with it and I suppose none of my/our business.

Maybe she realized what a loser she was with alone out there in the bush. I notice she didn't open up as much "on camera" as much as others. I'm sure she did some deep thinking out there and she had the presence of mind not to blab it all into the lens.
Maybe she realized what a loser she was with alone out there in the bush. I notice she didn't open up as much "on camera" as much as others. I'm sure she did some deep thinking out there and she had the presence of mind not to blab it all into the lens.

Why do you assume he was a "loser"? Do you know something we don't? If I have learned anything about relationships it is that it takes two people of like minds to make it work and a lot of compromise on behalf of each when differences arise. Seldom is it just one or the other where the fault lies when a relationship ends.
Lol no. Just tossing an idea out there. I mean many relationships are crutches, people clinging to each other out of weakness they compensate for in the other. Nicole even though she has done a lot in het life may have found an inner strength she didn't even know she had out there. No need for crutches anymore. Who knows maybe he was banging someone else lol. I'm just saying the amount of time she spent alone out there will change a person and his her relations to others.

One doesn't even need to be "out there" to do this kind of soul searching. One can just unplug from his own cultural conditioning and neurotic ties to ones own families and friends to experience the aloneness necessary for growth. The dark night of the soul....

Matthew 10:36 your worst enemies will be the members of your own family.
I did notice that she glossed over the event by simply referring to him in a photo posted as her "ex-significant other". But I do wonder what effect her absence had on the relationship when she returned.
Nicole is now single? That's great news! I wouldn't mind sharing a lean-to with her.

Hey, somebody had to say it.
Just don't forget that behind that smile and attitude is a lotta lotta baggage, and she will choose her children over any man. And... she knows her poisonous plants! :eek:
I visited her site briefly and it was sad to see that she has broken up with her "significant other". No hint whether or not her absence had anything to do with it and I suppose none of my/our business.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder: FOR ANOTHER....

When the cat's away, the mice will play.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Sorry to hear that Dr. Nicloe and her "life-partner" have parted ways.
I noted when watching Nicole talk about why she was leaving that she talked about her kids and not her partner. The term "conspicuous absence" came to mind, particularly compared to Jose's and Larry's comments about their wives. It was very, very good to see the inner movement of Jose and Larry and regardless of the outcome, it's clear that the time out there helped them find something deeper in their in their lives.

That may or may not be the case for Nicole. She's very skilled, very knowledgeable and very, very reserved, or at least she's very careful to curate her image by what she shares and doesn't share.

I'm pulling for David. I know a bunch of pastors and missionaries and know their struggles to maintain a home life and to maintain faith. David has shared some of that journey, or at least a few of the tips of the icebergs. David, I hope the experience led to healing for you.