Anybody ever see a GHOST?

We've all thought about that, Danny, and at the least it makes a great story. Can you imagine some civilization studying Earth and at some point saying, "OK, this is going no where. Let's pick a team and stick with them and see what happens." So the Jews are annointed by being at the right place at the right time. Cut to the present- frequent sightings are explained by this- the 'experiment' has gone .....well, if not 'well', at least 'gone', and may have numerous political, entertainment, and scientific expeditions behind it.

reality TV for aliens?
They watch the Israelis for fun....
I wonder if they like the recent French jew exodus.....
I couldnt believe that one. Talk about souring relationships with Europe.
Sharon has a big mouth sometimes....
I don't blame the Jews, no reasonable human should have to live in France.

I was reading about how France is mad because everyone is counterfiting their expensive designer bags ( mostly the Chinese ). Ha ha too bad! Sorry, we in the US don't put a big priorty on busting people making perfect $20 knockoffs of your $1000 bags. Try making something that takes BRAINS to create, its harder to copy!

:barf: I hate France!
Danny, tell me more about French Jews; are they leaving? What a shame.

I will refrain from French bashing out of respect for the decent men and women there. But I hate what their govt is doing.

Oh Munk,
You've missed alot!

Some Jewish girl faked being assualted by some neo-nazis in France.
PM Sharon told all French Jews to leave France and come to Isreal!
200 of them did just that with more to follow, possibly.

ITs been a bad week for France....
My point exactly. Before you go branding elemental forces and spirits that have little to do with "your God" demons, you should at least have the benefit of more than an exclusivist's perspective on things spiritual.

If you believe that "Cut of from me, you can do nothing" schtick, I don't think you've seen the 'big picture.'

Semi-tolerant Polytheist.
OK, my turn. Here is my ghost/spirit/goblin/something story.

This is absolutely true.

I was 16 years old and worked during the summer months as a night watchman for a state park. The park had an old museum, camp ground, lake, woods, etc. My duties consisted of driving around in a van with a time clock and punching the clock with keys stationed through out the park.

I made my rounds as usual each night until it happened.

I had been on the job for about a month and a half with no exciting events. That's probably why they put a kid doing night watchman stuff. Nothing ever happened in the park at night after closing.

I was making my rounds one very dark but starlit night about 3am down by the lake. As I made the circle turn around with the van my lights swept across the water and I noticed a dim light on the other side of the lake at the shore line. I stopped, turned the van lights off and killed the motor to watch. I thought it was someone fishing who probably had a lantern. That side of the lake was very hard to get to so someone went to some effort to fish that spot.

The light began to pulsate. It became brighter and then dimmer. As if someone was turning up the gas on the lantern and then turning it back down. It did this for what seemed like a few minutes. I couldn't understand why someone would do that. Then, all of a sudden, the light got *very* bright as if it exploded but there was no sound. Then blackness on that side of the lake.

I remember thinking "guess who ever it was is calling it a night". I sat for a couple more minutes after the light went out, when *BAM* it happened. The light appeared on MY side of the lake hanging under a tree not more than 30 yards from my van! It started pulsating dim to very bright but no sound! The air got very cold all at once and an icy fear crept down my spine. I remember saying to myself "what the hell is that"! I grabbed the keys and fired up the engine and nearly tore the wheels off that van getting the bejesus out of there! I went straight to the office, dropped the van, got my car and home I went.

The next day I told a long term "old timer" who had worked at the park for many years about what I had saw. He told me he too had seen it a couple of times over the years but had no idea what it was.

I am sure there is probably a logical explanation for it. But what that is I do not know. I do know that it scared the hell out of a 16 year old kid.
I'm an Civil War reenactor and I can tell you quite a few ghost stories some of which happened to me, some to friends of mine. I'll share a couple of small ones but I have many more including one long very interesting story I'll share if anyone is interested.

My first ghostly experiance happened back in 1992 shortly after I first started reenacting. The unit I'm in (Co. D 27th N.C.) was having a living history event at the Bentonville N.C. battfield state site. The main part of the site has a museum, an original 2 story house (the Harper house) that was used as a Union hospital during the battle, a reproduction of the houses kitchen, and a reproduction of what's supposed to be a slave cabin. Directly across the road is the old family graveyard, a mass Confederate grave, and a section of original earthworks that were not involved in the fighting. Saturday night about 10-11 or so some of us took our lanterns and went across the road to walk along the original trenches. We go down into the woods and start to walk the trench line. About halfway, my stomach starts feeling like it's trying to tie itself into knots. I didn't say anything and we got to our turn around point and started back. All of a sudden I started to hear drums beating out cadence. One of the guys had his girlfriend along and she and I were the only ones who could hear the drums. We got back to camp and everything was ok again. Well my buddy and I were sleeping in the slave cabin and decided to go to bed. It was hot and just before I laid down i stepped outside for some cooler air. I looked back up towards the museum and could see a low hanging fog had come up just to the other side of the building. As I stood there, 2 gray figures walked out of the fog, stopped and one of them pointed down toward where we were camped. They started foward again and just as they would have passed under the overhang/porch on the museum they disappeared. Later that night I was woken by the sound of several musket shots being fired followed shortly by a couple of volleys. A musket in the distance sounds similar to a shotgun but there's nothing else I've ever heard that has the same sound as a volley so there's no way it could have been coon hunters or poachers.

About 2 years ago, we were doing another living history at Bentonville. For some reason I can't remember now, my wife and I along with my buddies wife slept upstairs in the Harper house. The downstairs was used for the operating rooms and i wasn't about to sleep down there. Anyway, early Sunday morning the girls got up to go to the bathroom. I stayed behind and they locked the door behind them just to make sure any early spectators couldn't get in. They had been gone a couple of minutes when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs but there was no one there and no one had come in.

Bentonville is apparently very active paranormally speaking. The site has a reproduction artillery piece that we use and fire for demonstartions. It's not uncommon for new residents of the area to call the site to complain about us firing the gun at 2-3 in the morning. The only thing is, the gun is always put away and locked up when the site closes for the day.
Semp, Two individuals I talked to saw something like that at two different ariports. They were out by the end of runways, and saw these glowing ball things that seemed to be about 3 foot in diameter. In each case the viewer reports that they zipped back and forth silently along the runways and runway lights.

Well, I feel left out :( . I have spent many nights in a c.1886 home and never heard or seen anything. Every night I sleep in the room where both my grandfather and great grandmother died and I have never seen a thing.
Okay, a couple of things....
About a year or so after our Sweatlodge was built and blessed we started being visited by what appeared to be an elderly ndn dressed in traditional clothing. I saw him many times, sometimes even during the day although he was a lot fainter in the daytime.
There were a very few other people who also saw him and a very few others that was aware of a presence but couldn't see him.
He was a benevolent spirit and I thought of him as being more of a teacher than anything else.
Haven't seen or been aware of him in a while now.

Several years ago now I went with a nephew to a spiritual camp up in South Dakota. Made a lot of friends up there. One lady, I thought, was especially nice and I made her a sister in a formal ceremony.
After the camp was over she came down to visit Barb and me before she went home.
About a year or two before this I blessed a special place down by Choteau where the Old Ones used to live so that anyone without a pure heart wouldn't be able to stay there or visit the location.
I took her down to Choteau and was going to show her the area and I looked and looked but still couldn't find the place although I knew I was close.
I knew there was a large area of grassland at the end of the old farm trail that we walked down and that sage grew there and as I wanted to gather some we proceeded down the old rutted road.
I became aware of something watching us and I knew that the place I had blessed was being protected by the spirits. Lynn felt it as well and started getting really antsy and extremely nervous.
She remarked that something was watching us and that IT wasn't Good!
I laughed inside as I knew better.:) I also suddenly knew exactly where the place was and I knew for certain that I wasn't to bring her there! She wasn't who she let on to be and the spirits knew, I understood the warning well.
The feeling of being watched faded as we started getting further away from the area.
We walked to the where the woodland ended and the grassland started and I gathered some sage and we started back. The closer we started getting to the area as we were heading back the antsier Lynn grew and the faster she walked until she was almost at a trot. The feeling of being watched was overwhelmingly strong!!!!:eek:
She was being scared shltless and I was having a good laugh while being very grateful to the spirits for the warning.
I couldn't keep up with her, this was just a few months after my first back surgery.
Lynn was waiting impatiently by the car when I finally got there two or three minutes after she did.
She was in a very big hurry to leave the area although I wasn't feeling being watched anymore but she was.
When we got back to the house Lynn had become a different person and Barb and I started seeing a whole 'nother side to her.
She left the next day, after receiving some California White Sage from her that she had gathered a few months later that she promised to send we haven't heard anything else from her.
I'm glad.
I'm now very slow to make anyone a realitive formally in ceremony.
Guess it goes to show that the feeling of "The Fear" to one might be something good for another, at least in this case.
I have felt "The Fear" as well in another setting and like everyone else got the hell outta Dodge!
I get a few that show up now and then, lots of people have been at the house and seen them, been touched by them, most of the time they are nice experiences but every once in a while its gets a bit violent. Have had some damages to the house, but normally it’s a fun event. Not sure that I would call them ghost they don’t seam to identify with that title.
not as bad a racoons...hardly ever a fun or good expierence when they show up
Spectre, your right. You have your opinions, I have mine. How we perceive things is just different. I have witnessed enough debates online to know that I'm not going to change anyone's mind here, even if I tried.
I read the two passages that you posted and they made me think. By the definition I gave those would be considered ghosts. You may have changed my mind. Perhaps there are ghosts out there that are not demons sent by satan (my belief, not necessarily yours) but are actually dead souls that need to say something. However I still believe that hauntings are the result of demons.

I read the "Just a reminder" thread and if any of you took what I am saying as "this is right and you are all wrong" then I'm sorry. This wasn't meant as a way to change minds and evangelize to this forum (I don't have the knowledge to answer the questions that come up when doing that). I was stating my interpretation (with my knowledge and background) of the events described in this thread.
It is hard for Christians, Moslems, and many more. They have the truth and want you to have it too. They love you and want the good things promised to be yours also. It is maddening for them. They don't want to see you perish forever.

I try to be very very kind to people who want to save my Soul. I know they can't respect my position, and I don't personalize that.

If I'd been greatly harmed by some group in the past this would be very hard to do.

It's OK not to be respected, you know. You don't have much control on that anyway.

Here's the way I look at it. My soul is mine and if I want it saved I'll do the saving. I don't need help from some bible thumper. (No offense to any thumpers here on the forum.)
Where was this park where you saw the lights?
Id like to do some research and see if it has been the location of any UFO sightings over the years...