Attn. All Smatchetorians! . . . Wanna Help Design The Busse Combat Smatchet?. . . Start Drinkin'!!!

Did Someone or several someones say SMATCHET???

Will they look kinda like this?

(Permission Granted, this time, for anyone with the Link;-)

These pictured are of CLAX - Remake of the Scottish Cledd-Ax -- for the Double-Sided Blades on Left & Right, with Blue-Black G10 Handles, and The Forester for the Single-Sided Edged Blade in the middle of the shot. These were made by BRK&T up in Escanoba, Mich, but only 91 (or 92?) were made... I had three of them. Bohler M690 Steel, Amazing stuff, Amazing Choppers: Cut many pieces of wood with pleasure over 16 years, never needed to sharpen its double convex edges; but if in INFI???
That would Rule this Rockin' world...
Hoping more than 91 or 92 would be made, then...
Save Me at Least One Busse INFI Smatchet...🗡️
or Three... ⚔️
I was thinking the same thing... they need to make one for Adults... 🤣
I did notice that the blade thickness is the about same in all three of those knives...
(.210", and .225")
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