Cast Iron Beckerheads, Sound Off!

Finally getting around to hanging my cast iron on my kitchen wall. Been meaning to do this for 2 years lol. Not done yet but it's coming together.


Dressed with lemon juice Italian dressing and Parmesan cheese. Steamed for half hour in my wife’s porcelain cast iron pot. The half inch of water left in the bottom of the pan was better than any soup I’ve ever had.

I just re discovered artichokes. I forgot how yummy they are. I never knew how nutritious they are. I like that they take time to eat making me feel like I ate more than I did.
Lodge "Cook-It-All"

Ok, here was the maiden Voyage.

Some internet personalities were less than favorable in their reviews. They basically said it was overpriced, and not worth money. It was heavy, not very versatile and just difficult to use.

They weren't lying, it is heavy. As for the rest of it, the jury is still out. But so far so good.

Not being one to dip my toes in the shallow end. I took the plunge off the high board with a pizza.

Here are the components,
Pieces 1,2, 3, & 4,
The grill, griddle, and the two handles,

Piece #5, the oven/top,

I rinsed these both this morning with just hot water and a paper towel wipe.

Then I baked them in a 350º oven for an hour. They were preseasoned, but I err on the side of caution.

Two layers of Oak Charcoal, one down on the ash tray, one on the grate,

'Preheating the top,

On goes the pizza,

Cover and wait 10 minutes,

Had some minor overspill, but overall, not a bad first try,

The mess,

The Pizza,

The worst thing about cast iron is how difficult it is to clean up,

Leftovers for tomorrow's lunch,

It smelled so good, my Italian friend Rock Raccoonelli stopped by to see what was going on.

It wasn't perfect, but for a first usage, I was pretty stoked. Pizza was made from plain King Arthur Bread Flour, no Semolina, Could have used a little more heat top & bottom, but not much.

Overall, I was pleased.