Guardians of The Lambsfoot!

When i was a kid , many years ago, i was given the best advise i have ever received about knife maintenance. I had just received my first knife, a Joseph Rodgers, and i was showing it off to an old farmer and he told me how to look after it. Son, he said, a drop of oil every now and then, keep it sharp and use the bloody thing. This has kept me in good stead and has worked for my entire life. Sometimes we just over complicate things, with new products, special oils and such, but sometimes the old ways have stood the test of time and worked back when they had limited resources and still work today. Carry 'em, use 'em, drop of oil and keep 'em sharp. 👌 :)
That's certainly good advice mate :) :thumbsup:
Just had this photo sent to me. We have had a really warm start to spring, it is 7.25AM here and at 5.30AM when i got up it was still around 70deg. But we have a large cold front approaching with plenty of rain on the way. So as i sit here it has the real tropical feel to it, lightning has started already. This is a shot of the front approaching to our west, very quintessential Australian bush scene.

Just had this photo sent to me. We have had a really warm start to spring, it is 7.25AM here and at 5.30AM when i got up it was still around 70deg. But we have a large cold front approaching with plenty of rain on the way. So as i sit here it has the real tropical feel to it, lightning has started already. This is a shot of the front approaching to our west, very quintessential Australian bush scene.

Wow, I’ve seen pictures at the St.Louis Art show that aren’t as intriguing as this one, beautiful picture. 😄👍
Leon, there’s no way I can do aesthetic justice to that pic but here’s a quintessential SF sunset. 🙌
Just had this photo sent to me. We have had a really warm start to spring, it is 7.25AM here and at 5.30AM when i got up it was still around 70deg. But we have a large cold front approaching with plenty of rain on the way. So as i sit here it has the real tropical feel to it, lightning has started already. This is a shot of the front approaching to our west, very quintessential Australian bush scene.

Leon, there’s no way I can match the aesthetic beauty of your pic. But this is the quintessential SF sunset taken from my bedroom window. Yeah I know I need to wash the window. 😁
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Just had this photo sent to me. We have had a really warm start to spring, it is 7.25AM here and at 5.30AM when i got up it was still around 70deg. But we have a large cold front approaching with plenty of rain on the way. So as i sit here it has the real tropical feel to it, lightning has started already. This is a shot of the front approaching to our west, very quintessential Australian bush scene.

Really like that photo my friend .

Just had this photo sent to me. We have had a really warm start to spring, it is 7.25AM here and at 5.30AM when i got up it was still around 70deg. But we have a large cold front approaching with plenty of rain on the way. So as i sit here it has the real tropical feel to it, lightning has started already. This is a shot of the front approaching to our west, very quintessential Australian bush scene.

Beautiful photo Leon :) :thumbsup:
Leon, there’s no way I can do aesthetic justice to that pic but here’s a quintessential SF sunset. 🙌

Leon, there’s no way I can match the aesthetic beauty of your pic. But this is the quintessential SF sunset taken from my bedroom window. Yeah I know I need to wash the window. 😁
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Great view there :) :thumbsup:

I took this one from our hotel room window, at dawn in Whitby on the North Yorkshire coast. No sunrise, but the street-lamps are still on! :D


Good morning Guardians, hope you've all had a better week than I have! :eek: It's overcast here today, and a bit gloomy, but not actually raining at the moment. I have a series of dull chores to carry out, so I better put my Hartshead Barlow in my pocket, for the first time this week I think. Have a good Friday Guardians, and a great weekend :thumbsup:

I thought I'd go out for some fresh air, and a saunter down to the Sicilian cafe I mentioned the other day. I finally got a chance to try a slice of their cake - chocolate fudge cake in this case :) It's still overcast here, but also humid, which is not a great combination :rolleyes:

Sounds like you have a great weekend ahead of you Bill :) Nice ebony :thumbsup:
Thank you Jack. As you may know, the Ebony and Ironwood were gifts to me. :) The Stag I purchased from Charlie.:thumbsup: I really don't look at myself as the owner of these fine knives but rather a caretaker for the next owner. :) These knives will most certainly out live me. My children do not care to have them so in due time I'll pass them along to a deserving soul. 😌
Thank you Jack. As you may know, the Ebony and Ironwood were gifts to me. :) The Stag I purchased from Charlie.:thumbsup: I really don't look at myself as the owner of these fine knives but rather a caretaker for the next owner. :) These knives will most certainly out live me. My children do not care to have them so in due time I'll pass them along to a deserving soul. 😌

I know what you mean Bill, none of my children have any interest in knives either. I hope I get time to pass on my collection :thumbsup: