..... and, for good measure...
My favorite of the SFOs. I don't have one but I would love to add one to my collection...hint hint out there!
That's some tasty stuff right there! Track 7 is one of my favorites!
Curious how it works out for you. I’ve been trying to track down a lifter for a while as a gift. This might be a cheaper solution.
So it arrived this aftn. 1st impressions, very nice overall. Fit and finish isn’t what you get on a beerscout but nothing stands out as an issue. It has the typical rounded tip, and the sharpened edge is probably the roughest/toothiest factory edge I’ve ever seen. But it cuts fine and appears quite even so it should sharpen up nicely. It would make for a great gift.
Just the other day I gave into temptation and ordered a Case trapper caplifter to add to the collection. I don’t see many posts about them, how are they? I’ve been pretty happy with the couple Case knives I’ve got.
Yes please and thank you!Back to Beerscouts?
Is this a legitimate beer scout knife or a mod? I thought the beer scouts were only in sheep’s foots? Sheep’s feet? Sheepfoots?