What Makes a Good, Traditional Barlow?

The six 2021 single spear TCs including a 1 of 16 hammered. My never ending thanks to waynorth waynorth Charlie Campagna and GEC for making such great knives. Hope you enjoy the pics!



That's pretty amazing, congrats on the set!
Wow, how did they do that? I’m a Luddite so it’s hard for me to wrap my mind around it. I guess not everything is a good as gold. :p

Place a Rose Gold or Glitter Gold barlow on a solid colored, high contrast background and take a picture. Use the Magic Wand in Photoshop to cut out just the knife from the picture. Create two layers in Photoshop, one with a picture of the tube and cap, and a second with picture of the knife you just cut out. Easy enough to print out a new cap sticker. Done deal.
Definite 100% photoshopped. Opened the image in Photoshop CS and looked closely at the silver portion. Every pixel (dot) in a jpg image is represented by three bytes, one red, one green, one blue in the 0-255 range. In the silver portion, all the pixels are perfectly gray, for example the three bytes all are the exact same number for hundreds of pixels, 33, 33, 33 or 67, 67, 67 and 122,122,122, this is impossible in the real world as even ambient light isn't that uniform. The only way this can be done is a black / white filter or a complete desaturation. A few pixels along the edge still have the gold color. The author did a good job tho!