#35 Beer and Sausage Bar Tool Knife

I figured you'd be first. :D:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I didn't recognize it at first.
Took some digging, and then the light bulb came on.
Very cool shirt, is it your lucky lawyer shirt?
Gift from one of my sons. Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock (Daredevil). My daughter is not my only geeky child!
My family's washing machine broke a stainless steel hose today. Water all over the place . My 85 year old father made me go to buy 4 quarts of Canadian Leaf. (one week supply) I had to go to the liquor store and Walmart. When I got home, the CKs reserves were book solid and my dealer told me that I could pre-order one knife. These knives are low numbers. I can't say anymore. I sent an email to New River Knife Works ! (BFs Supporter) Autumn Leaf jigged bone or an Ebony-wood #35 B&S knife would be nice. Too bad GEC did not make a blue river acrylic #35 B&S knife !
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Heavily criticized, yet somehow popular. I was driving when I got the message so I had to wait a couple minutes. I ended up on standby for one. I don’t know if that means I’ll get one or not. If I get one, that’s cool, if not, I’m sure my mustache and I will survive.
Is talking endlessly about the early reserve/pre-order process any better than talking about the purchasing process? :rolleyes:
Probably not. I was just more surprised at how popular it was with the heavy criticism it has received on here.